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Aileen O’Donoghue & Jeff Miller Department of Physics

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1 Zwicky Galaxy Cluster 1400+0949
Aileen O’Donoghue & Jeff Miller Department of Physics St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY

2 Original POSS Red Plate
14h02m48s +09°19’48’’ (J2000) 1’ NGC 5424 Zwicky, Herzog, Wild, Karpowicz & Kowal, Catalog of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Vols Pasadena: California Institute of Technology NGC 5431 NGC 5423

3 Palomar blue plates showing galaxies detected at Arecibo.
POSS2 Blue Plate 6 1 4 12 7 11 NGC 5416 13 16 9 8 15 2 14 10 5 3 Numbers from Chincarini, Giovanelli and Haynes (1979), AJ 84, 1500

4 DR7 frames showing galaxies detected at Arecibo.
6 1 4 12 7 11 NGC 5416 13 16 9 8 15 2 14 10 5 3 Numbers from Chincarini, Giovanelli and Haynes (1979), AJ 84, 1500

5 POSS Blue Plate Arecibo Observations 1978
Palomar blue plate showing galaxies detected at Arecibo. 1’ Chincarini, Giovanelli and Haynes (1979), AJ 84, 1500 NGC 5416

6 SDSS Image 14h02m48s +09°19’48’’ (J2000)

7 Numbers from Chincarini, Giovanelli & Haynes, 1979
SDSS Image 4 12 11 7: NGC 5416 Numbers from Chincarini, Giovanelli & Haynes, 1979

8 Velocity bins for other plots
Velocity Histogram Velocity bins for other plots 2500 9500 12500 14500 19500 26500 34500 50000

9 Velocity & Radial Distance
Abell 1809

10 Velocity & Radial Distance
Abell 1809

11 Sky Position with Velocity
USCG U607 Abell 1890 Abell 1809

12 Wedge Plot Taking z = r, x = rsin( - 14.075h), y = rcos( - 14.075h)
Abell 1809

13 Wedge Plot Taking z = r, x = rsin( - 14.075h), y = rcos( - 14.075h)
Abell 1809

14 Wedge Plot Taking z = r, x = rsin( - 14.075h), y = rcos( - 14.075h)
Abell 1890

15 Wedge Plot Taking z = r, x = rsin( - 14.075h), y = rcos( - 14.075h)

16 Wedge Plot Taking z = r, x = rsin( - 14.075h), y = rcos( - 14.075h)

17 Sky Position with Velocity
Velocities in histogram’s Zw1400 “hump” between 2500 and 9500 km/s

18 Sky Position with Velocity
Stipe of green galaxies: km/s < cz < 5500 km/s Velocities in histogram’s Zw1400 “hump” between 2500 and 9500 km/s

19 Abell 1809 NGC 5338 (foreground) cz = km/s Abell, Corwin & Olowin 1989 p. 37 mag of 10th brightest Richness Distance galactic coords POSS coords B-M Type Members Classes Ebeling et al, 1998 p. 24 (ROSAT cluster Sample)

20 Abell 1890 NGC 5338 (foreground) cz = km/s NGC 5535 NGC 5539 Abell, Corwin & Olowin 1989 p. 37 mag of 10th brightest Richness Distance galactic coords POSS coords B-M Type Members Classes

21 USGC U607 AGC , N5532, Radio Galaxy cz = 7588 km/s AGC

22 USGC U607 14 16 27.4 +10 42 35 cz = 7588 km/s Martel et al, 2000
AGC , N5532, Radio Galaxy cz = 7588 km/s AGC Martel et al, 2000

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