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Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.

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1 Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.
Notes for Quiz 12 (Ch. 15, Lesson 3; Ch. 11) I. Age of Exploration A. Portugal 1. Henry the Navigator – sponsor of voyages; started school (add) 2. built caravels and used astrolabe (add) 3. trading posts along African coasts 4. searched for eastern sea route to India and Asia around Africa (map p. 512) a. Bartolomeu Dias (1488); Vasco da Gama (1498) B. Spain 1. hired Columbus to find sea route to India and Asia going west across the Atlantic (A.D. 1492) a. found North America instead 2. Magellan and crew sailed around the world (circumnavigate) (A.D ) C. Treaty of Tordesillas 1. created north to south map line (map p. 515) a. lands west of line belong to Portugal b. lands east of line belong to Spain D. Northwest Passage – define, p. 516 II. Mesoamerica (Middle America) A. includes southern Mexico and Central America (map p. 363) B. Civilizations (add) 1. Olmec first ( B.C.) a. mother culture 2. Maya (A.D ) a. writing system using glyphs to create codices (codex is singular) 1) books made of tree bark paper 2) Popol Vuh – creation story C. European would explore this land after the Olmec and Maya were gone.

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