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6.4 Truth Tables for Arguments

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1 6.4 Truth Tables for Arguments
Propositional Logic 6.4 Truth Tables for Arguments

2 Truth Tables for Arguments
Symbolize the argument using letters for simple propositions. On one line, write the premises separated by single slashes, then the conclusion separated from the premises by a double slash. Apply TTFF and TFTF to each letter,* then draw a truth table for each premise individually, and the conclusion individually. Look for a line where each premise is true but the conclusion is false. If there is such a line, the argument is invalid. If not, it is valid (it isn’t possible for the conclusion to be false when the premises are true). *Recall this applies only when there are 2 simple statements

3 Truth Tables for Arguments
Step 1: If Greg is right, then you are nuts. Oh, and Greg isn’t right. So, you aren’t nuts. R  N ~R ~N

4 Truth Tables for Arguments
Step 2: If Greg is right, then you are nuts. Oh, and Greg isn’t right. So, you aren’t nuts. R  N / ~R // ~N

5 Truth Tables for Arguments
Step 3: If Greg is right, … R  N / ~R // ~N Step 4: Argument is invalid T T T F T F T It is possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false T F F F T T F Recall: an argument is valid if true premises guarantee the conclusion F T T T F F T F T F T F T F

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