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October 3, 2013 Test next Wednesday! Table of Contents:

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1 October 3, 2013 Test next Wednesday! Table of Contents:
EQ- What happens when components of the nervous system are damaged? Standard- BF 1- Structure of the brain and function of brain components. October 3, 2013 Table of Contents: 33. Nervous System Review 34. Disorder Research Agenda: Review Nervous System Complete Graphic Organizers Disorder Project Test next Wednesday!

2 Neurological Problems Presentation
Select a disorder and research online. Create a Presentation using a program of your choice. (powerpoint,etc.) to me: Neurological Problems Presentation Disorders: Alzheimer’s Mad Cow Parkinson’s Tourette's Syndrome Huntington’s Autism ALS Schizophrenia Epilepsy Migraine Stroke Concussive Disorder Shaken Baby Syndrome In your Presentation: (at least one graphic per slide) What is this disorder? What causes it? What are the symptoms? What is the treatment?

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