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Stereotypes, Culture and Symbols

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1 Stereotypes, Culture and Symbols
ELL 2035 Stereotypes, Culture and Symbols

2 Warmup Questions a stereotype - a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing What are the stereotypes of Korean culture? What are the stereotypes of Western culture? If your from another country which is not Korea, what stereotypes exist about your country?




6 Toronto

7 Cultural Differences 1. Food is different (bigger portions, no side dishes, more bread/potatoes, the food is sweeter/saltier) 2. Buildings (architecture) is different. 3. People make small talk. 4. Fashion is different (shorter haircuts for men, more facial hair, women don’t wear makeup as often). More tattoos. 5. Art (music, paintings, photography) is different 6. English (sometimes French, Spanish, Chinese) is spoken. 7. Very multi-cultural – many people from various backgrounds. 8. Alcohol is expensive; people are not allowed to drink in public.

8 Gwangju

9 Cultural Differences 1. People bow to each other or use two hands to give and receive items. 2. Fashion trends (long black padded jacket). 3. People dress up more (wear nice clothes, makeup). 4. There’s more nightlife (people stay out later; bars and restaurants are open later). 5. A lot of people enjoy (K-)pop music. 6. People enjoy singing (more than dancing). 7. Spicy (Spicier) foods. People enjoy talking about food. 8. People are always in a hurry/rush. (delivery)


11 Culture is… the arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group.

12 The Culture Iceberg


14 clothes, music, language, art, food, holidays relationships at work,
philosophy, dating customs, relationships with age how to celebrate holidays

15 Confucianism – Greek Philosophy
Confucius – 공자 Confucianism - 유교

16 Pop Culture in the Media

17 Pop Culture in the Media


19 The Symbols of America the 50 stars represents the 50 US States
the 13 stripes represents the original 13 colonies

20 the symbols and images of America

21 the symbols and images of Korea

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