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Workstream Update: Country-Level Impact

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Presentation on theme: "Workstream Update: Country-Level Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workstream Update: Country-Level Impact
Friday 23rd June, I2I Convening, Hotel Kempinski, Geneva

2 Presentation Objectives
Recap on the progress and key achievements of the workstream over the last 12 months Present the workstream’s view of WHO’s new product evaluation system Outline the future priorities of the workstream

3 Introduction Country-Level Impact Workstream Members:
Current members: Potential future members: Mike Ward, WHO RSS Marie Lamy, APLMA Samvel Azatyan, WHO RSS Geoff Clark, APLMA Luther Gwaza, WHO RSS Allison Tatarsky, UCSF Deus Mubangizi, WHO PQ Dominic Schuler, WHO PQ Melanie Renshaw, ALMA Abraham Mnzava, ALMA

4 Country-Level Impact Workstream Objectives
The Country-Level Impact workstream aims for a collaborative registration process across national and international regulatory organisations so new vector control products can get to market quicker.

5 Country-Level Impact Workstream Update
Mapping of African national/regional regulators Building database to capture organisations, policies, procedures and key personnel Data collated from: ALMA CPAC WHO PQ

6 Country-Level Impact Workstream Update
Engagement planning centred on African countries and regional bodies Engagement workshop planned for Q1 2018 Need to align on target countries

7 Country-Level Impact Workstream Update
Knowledge-gathering from WHO PQ Collaborative Registration Process Existing processes for drugs, diagnostics and vaccines Adaptation of PQ commodities questionnaire to VC products

8 Country-Level Impact Workstream Update
Partnership Agree membership and Terms of Reference Map additional stakeholders required Engagement with APLMA and UCSF

9 Country-Level Impact Workstream View on New WHO System
To be finalised on afternoon of convening Day One in workstream breakouts, but suggested topics are: Which elements are welcomed? What questions still remain from the workstream’s perspective? Constructive Response of the workstream to the new WHO process What can your workstream do to help harmonise regulatory requirements? Practical next steps required

10 Country-Level Impact Workstream: Future Priorities
Innovation Efficiency Quality Agree membership, scope of work and ToR Support WHO RSS on developing CRP for Vector Control Adapt PQ commodities questionnaire for VC products Develop database of regulators/NRAs Engage with EAC and other regional bodies African engagement workshop, Q1 2018

11 Country-Level Impact Workstream: Future Priorities
Questions to consider in workstream breakout group (afternoon of convening Day 1): Do you envisage additional areas of focus? Have some issues become obsolete? Do you have the right membership to reach these goals? Are there areas where input from other stakeholders is required? Do you see the need to a new/more focused group to address a particular issue?

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