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Bellringer: Jan. 20 Using either your device OR a chrome book, go to animal-welfare Note the date.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Jan. 20 Using either your device OR a chrome book, go to animal-welfare Note the date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Jan. 20 Using either your device OR a chrome book, go to animal-welfare Note the date this opinion piece was published. Note any key ideas Mr. Tompkins addresses which correspond to the film, Blackfish. A link to this site can also be found on – periods 2 and 4

2 Yesterday was the start of MP 3
Yesterday was the start of MP 3! No work from MP 2 will be accepted unless I had previously spoken with you.

3 Film as persuasion What effects does the film maker use to guide the audience? How does she transition from one topic to another? What images are repeated over and over?

4 What are the KEY pieces of evidence for the film?
OSHA courtroom scene (rape = SeaWorld’s evasiveness; Loro Parque = SeaWorld lying) Trainers explaining experience with Tilikum as both cooperative and frustrated; Tilikum’s abuse by other whales Tour Guides (SeaWorld’s lies: Dorsal fin, life span, family) Trainer accidents/incidents – more than just Tilikum being aggressive – SW didn’t always tell the other trainers The class came up with this information.

5 What are the KEY pieces of evidence for the film?
In the wild, orcas live with their families their whole life; do not attack humans; not aggressive; live longer Trainers experience when first there (contradicted “years of training”) Captivity – hunting, breeding, tricks for food The class came up with this information.

6 Who are the key sources for the film. Is each one credible
Who are the key sources for the film? Is each one credible? Does anyone have a BIAS? Dr. David Duffus Howard Garrett Lori Marino (Emory University) Kenneth Balcomb III (Center for Whale Research)

7 SeaWorld Trainers Interviewed
Dawn Brancheau ( ) husband and mother in Tampa Jeff Ventre ( ) fired (Doctor in New Orleans now) Samantha Berg (3 years ) 1 yr with Killer Whales. Not Tilikum John Jett ( ) Carol Ray ( ) speech and language in Seattle John Hargrove (1995? – 2001? Came back and finally left in Texas Mark Simmons ( ) Dean Gomersall ( fired) Kim Ashdown (1994-Jan. 2010)

8 How does Cowperthwaite manipulate our emotions? Trace the journey
911 calls (horror, shock) Whale hunting (shock, sad)

9 Exit Ticket Did you find your group’s assigned trainer credible or not? What is one question you have about your trainer?

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