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Information Services for Dynamically Assembled Semantic Grids

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1 Information Services for Dynamically Assembled Semantic Grids
5/3/2019 Information Services for Dynamically Assembled Semantic Grids Mehmet S. Aktas, Geoffrey C. Fox, Marlon Pierce Community Grids Laboratory, INDIANA UNIVERSITY The First International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid – SKG 2005, Beijing, China SKG-05, Beijing

2 Context as Service Metadata
5/3/2019 Context as Service Metadata Context is metadata associated to both services and their activities Context can be independent of any interaction slowly varying, quasi-static context generated as result of interaction dynamic context Example: information associated to an activity or session Gaggles: Collection of Services that are set of actively collaborating managed services for a particular common goal generate events as result of interactions are very small part of the whole Grid 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

3 Motivating Scenario: Pattern Informatics (PI) in a Grid Environment
5/3/2019 Motivating Scenario: Pattern Informatics (PI) in a Grid Environment PI in a Grid environment: Hotspot forecasts are made using publicly available seismic records. Southern California Earthquake Data Center Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) catalogs Code location is unimportant, can be a service through remote execution Results need to be visualized, stored, shared, modified Grid/Web Services can provide these capabilities 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

4 PI GIS GRID Support for slowly varying, quasi-static metadata
5/3/2019 PI GIS GRID 2 WMS WFS HP Search Data Filter PI Code 3 5,6,7 4 WMS Client 1 Support for slowly varying, quasi-static metadata How do we support both prescriptive and descriptive metadata? How do we enforce up-to-date information in registries? Support for dynamic session related metadata How do we manage dynamic workflows? How do we enable correlation of service activities? Information Requirements in PI GIS Grid 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

5 Context Information Services Motivations
Need to provide information describing services independent of their interactions. generic and domain specific characteristics of services Need to manage all information associated with services for; correlating activities of widely distributed services enabling uniform query capabilities to both conversation-based or monolog context information “Give me list of services satisfying C:{a,b,c..} QoS requirements and participating S:{x,y,z..} sessions” management of events especially in multimedia collaboration providing information to enable session failure recovery capabilities 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

6 Problem Statement What is a novel process of building
5/3/2019 Problem Statement What is a novel process of building Information Services for both dynamic, session related and slowly varying, static context of widely distributed services in Gaggles? What is problem statement for this research? 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

7 What is WS-Context? Repository of Context Information Allows for
Sharing Context info: metadata related to a particular transaction in multiple Web Service interactions Sharing data: data in multiple Web service interactions Nicely put, its a Distributed Variation of Shared Memory Context Information dependent on the type of activity Identify a transaction coordinator Recovery information in event of a failure Sharing info between participants (Security tokens, certificates, transaction IDs…) 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

8 Architectural Design Requirements
Uniformity need consistent interface to both static and dynamic context Interoperability need to leverage existing WS standards (UDDI, WS-Context) for service discovery and communication Persistence need to provide high availability of information Dynamism need to handle metadata based on changing user demands Performance need to support dynamic changes with min. delay 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

9 The Architecture of Context Information Service
WSDL Extended UDDI Registry Service HTTP WSDL Database Access NB Node JDBC Expeditor Querying Publishing and Storage Sequencer WSDL HTTP(S) Client WSDL Client WSDL Client WSDL 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

10 Fault Tolerant High Performance Information Services (FTHPIS)
Performance, compatibility, uniform interface caching Expeditor Module using Tuple Spaces paradigm web service based programming interface, UDDI & WS-Context Querying and Publishing Modules From single point of failure to distributed system: fault tolerance dynamic replication Access Module Storage Module multi-publisher multicasting messaging NaradaBrokering ( 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

11 Distributed Dynamic Context Management
Computer Boundaries WSDL Extended UDDI Registry Service Gaggle Boundaries A HTTP(S) Storage Access Database WSDL JDBC Expeditor NB Node Querying Publishing and Sequencer C HTTP(S) B Client WSDL NB plays role is for fast and reliable multi-publisher, multicast messaging among peer IS Services 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

12 SOAP header for Context 3 WMS WFS HP Search Data Filter PI Code
HP Search Data Filter PI Code Context Information Service 4 7,8,9 10 6 5,11 WMS Client Extended UDDI 1 2 5/3/2019 5,6: WMS starts a session, invokes HPSearch to run workflow script for PI Code with a session id 7,8,9: HPSearch runs the workflow script and generates output file in GML format (& PDF Format) as result 10: HPSearch writes the URI of the of the output file into Context 11: WMS polls the information from Context Service 12: WMS retrieves the generated output file by workflow script and generates a map <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" <soap:Header encodingStyle=“URL" mustUnderstand="true"> <context xmlns=“ctxt schema“ timeout="100"> <context-id>http..</context-id> <context-service> http.. </context-service> <context-manager> http.. </context-service> <activity-list mustUnderstand="true" mustPropagate="true"> <p-service> <p-service> </activity-list> </context> </soap:Header> SOAP header for Context <context xsd:type="ContextType"timeout=“100"> <context-service> context-service> <parent-context> <content> shared data for HPSearch activity </content> <activity-list mustUnderstand="true" mustPropagate="true"> <service> <service> <service> </activity-list> </context> activity <context xsd:type="ContextType"timeout=“100"> <context-service> context-service> <activity-list mustUnderstand="true" mustPropagate="true"> <service> <service> </activity-list> </context> session <context xsd:type="ContextType"timeout=“100"> <context-id> <context-service> context-service> <content> </context> shared state <context xsd:type="ContextType"timeout=“100"> <context-service> context-service> <parent-context> <content> profile information related WMS </content> </context> user profile The Pattern Informatics GIS-SOA based workflow application <context xsd:type="ContextType"timeout=“100"> <context-service> context-service> <content> HPSearch associated additional data generated during execution of workflow. </content> </context> service associated 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

13 System Status - I Extended UDDI Metadata Service
OGC (Open Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Consortium) specific service registry, up-to-date registry entries, metadata oriented query capabilities and XPATH query capabilities.. Status: 100 % completed. Application domains: PI GIS Grid (UC at Davis), IEISS GIS Grid (LANL) WS-Context Complaint Metadata Services WS-Context compatibility, support for shared dynamic context Status: 100 % completed. Application domains: PI GIS Grid (UC at Davis), IEISS GIS Grid 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

14 System Status - II Unified UDDI & WS-Context Metadata Services
Both WS-Context and UDDI compatibility, uniform programming interface to dynamic & static metadata, caching (high performance), support for session-failure recovery capabilities Application domains: PI GIS Grid (UC at Davis), IEISS GIS Grid, Global MMCS project 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

15 Conclusions & Future Work
There may be following gaps in Semantic/Traditional Grid Information Services. need for management of widely distributed, shared session-related dynamic metadata need for enabling session failure recovery need for uniform search interface to both interaction independent and conversation-based context We introduce a novel architecture addressing these gaps by taking into account; efficient metadata access and storage, decentralized fault tolerant storage capability, uniform interface to context, minimum response latency We plan on investigating research issues related with fault tolerance and consistency as future work. We also want to evaluate the system as whole through extensive performance tests. 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing

16 Location of information and software for dependent Grid Projects
5/3/2019 Location of information and software for dependent Grid Projects htpp:// provides Web service (and JMS) compliant distributed publish-subscribe messaging (software overlay network) is an OGC (open geospatial consortium) Geographical Information System (GIS) compliant GIS and Sensor Grid. has WS-Context, Extended UDDI etc. 5/3/2019 SKG-05, Beijing SKG-05, Beijing

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