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2 WHAT ARE FUNGI? Planet Earth: Jungles: Growing Fungi : Video : Discovery Channel


4 Fungi Have a nucleus and cell wall Can’t produce own food
Get food by living or decomposing other living things fungi.mp4

5 2 Different Groups of Fungi
Yeasts Round to oval shaped single cells

6 Moulds Long, thread-like cells Most fungi change their shape from one to the other in their lifetime. yeast.mp4

7 How Yeasts Reproduce Asexually – Budding
Old cell splits into two new cells New cell is always smaller than parent 2. Sexually 2 yeast cells come together to form 1

8 How Moulds Reproduce Sexually
filaments (pieces of 2 different moulds overlap and exchange DNA 2. Asexual – Fragmentation one filament divides into small pieces makes many new moulds from one piece

9 3. Spore Formation mould cell changes shape grows stalk with cap
cap has millions spores get carried by wind or water to new place spores.mp4

10 Uses of Fungi yeast used to bake bread food source (mushrooms)
beer and wine producing decomposers (break down dead material) decomposers.mp4 antibiotics (penicillin) fungal importance.mp4

11 Dangerous Fungi Some fungi can make you sick/kill you. Examples:
poisonous mushrooms black mould in homes MSI: Mould Scene Incorporated - YouTube

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