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Implementation of eqavet in slovakia – state of play

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1 Implementation of eqavet in slovakia – state of play
4/30/2019 5:14 PM Implementation of eqavet in slovakia – state of play Bratislava, Mgr. Ľubica Gállová © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 State vocational education institute
The State Vocational Education Institute - directly managed by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak RepublicIn charge of VET in Slovakia, mainly: for development andtesting of new educational programmes, curricula in VET, methodology for the development of curricula and new “maturita” school- leaving and final exams, analyses and policies for VET systems development in-service training for VET teachers and trainers, other educational activities (exhibitions, study visits, competitions). National Qualifications Register

3 EQAVET NATIONAL reference point
EQAVET Recommendation (2009) State Vocational Education Institute (2012) Information to stakeholders, Information to the European Commission about the developments on the national level, active support for the EQAVET implementation, take initiatives to promote further development of EQAVET in the national context, Counselling and quidance to organisations implementing quality assurance tools


5 EQAVET Quality indicators
Relevance of quality assurance systems for VET providers Investment in training of teachers and trainers Participation rate in VET programmes Completion rate in VET programmes Placement rate in VET programmes Utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace Unemployment rate Prevalence of vulnerable groups Mechanisms to identify training needs in the labour market Schemes used to promote better access to VET

6 Governance of i-vet The governance of VET has three levels:
National level – Ministries, Regions, Employers organisations, Trade unions Regional level - regional education office and public employment office, regional governing body, regional education council (advisory body at regional level), employer representatives and trade unions School level- school councils, school management

Quality assurance in initial VET is based on: External evaluation of VET providers by state school inspection; System-level involvement of stakeholders in the design of VET policies and qualifications Internal planning at VET provider level - requirements for schools to develop school-level curricula and assessment plans. School curricula provide information on the internal system of monitoring and evaluation of quality.

8 Legislative framework for QA in VET
School Act (245/2008), Act on pedagogical staff and professional employees in, 317/2009), Act on public administration in education (596/2003) The Act on vocational education and training 2015 Elements of dual education, attractivity of VET, quality Involvement of stakeholders in education and training – designing training programes, training in companies, testing, etc.

9 general framework for quality assurance in slovakia
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports SR State School Inspectorate National Institute for Certified Measurements in Education (testing) State Vocational Education Institute (curiculla for VET) State Pedagogy Institute (curiculla for general education) The methodological and pedagogical centre (inservice teacher training) Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (statistics and analysis of education and training system)

10 Quality assurance arrangements at provider level in initial VET
Regular school visits of the state school inspection. The requirement for headteachers to issue a strategy for school development and to present its evaluation to the school council – just a formal act Support to self-evaluation - each school curriculum must contain information on the internal system of quality monitoring and assurance, BUT self-evaluation is not required

11 Eqavet Indicators in slovakia
Organisations Relevance of quality assurance systems for VET providers: share of VET providers applying internal quality assurance systems defined by law/at own initiative share of accredited VET providers a) VET providers b) - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information - The Statistical Office - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR - State Vocational Education Institute QA mechanisms in IVET are inherent in the education system. No strong accountability- inducing mechanism has been implemented and no national policy on quality management adopted.

12 Indicator 1I Organisations Investment in training of teachers and trainers: (a) share of teachers and trainers participating in further training (b) amount of funds invested a), b) - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information - The Statistical Office - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR Political commitment in policy documents to increasing public expenditure on education from less than 4% of GDP to a to a minimum of 6% by 2010 - On lowest levels

13 Indicator 1II Organisations Participation rate in VET programmes: Number of participants in VET programmes, according to the type of programme and the individual criteria - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR - The Statistical Office - Centre of Labour, Social Affairs and Family The data is used to design/activate/deactivate state/school curricula in relation to labour market needs - e. g. to strengthen the cooperation between basic schools and secondary VET schools, enhancing attractiveness of VET.

14 Indicator 1V Organisations Completion rate in VET programmes: Number of persons having successfully completed/abandoned VET programmes, according to the type of programme and the individual criteria - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR - The Statistical Office The data is used to design/activate/deactivate state/school curricula in relation to labour market needs.

15 Indicator V Organisations Placement rate in VET programmes: (a) Progression of VET learners after completion of training, according to the type of programme and the individual criteria (b) share of employed - Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and the Family, - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information Placement of graduates is considered the ultimate goal of the policy, however it is impossible to check the efficiency of the tool individually. Only aggregated data are available, without specific analyses. The data is used to design/activate/deactivate state/school curricula in relation to labour market needs.

16 Indicator VI Organisations Use of acquired skills at the workplace: (a) information on occupation obtained by individuals after completion of training, (b) satisfaction rate of individuals and employers with acquired skills/competences Not measured systematically; the feedback is collected only individually from employers/employees

17 Indicator VII Organisations Unemployment rate according to individual criteria Statistical Office Centre of Labour, Social Affairs and Family The data is used to design/activate/deactivate state/school curricula in relation to labour market needs including further adult education programmes

18 Indicator VIII Organisations Prevalence of vulnerable groups: (a) percentage of participants in VET classified as disadvantaged groups (in a defined region or catchment area) according to age and gender Statistical Office, Centre of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information The Statistical Office The data is used to adapt state curricula to the requirements of vulnerable groups at national level

19 Indicator IX Organisations Mechanisms to identify training needs in the labour market: (a) information on mechanisms set up to identify changing demands at different levels (b) evidence of their effectiveness national level: Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR – by the Government Council for VET regional level: regional governing bodies regional education office This policy measure resulted from the increased requirements for effective communication with employers, a more flexible response from VET to labour market needs, and promoting innovations in branches of study and training.

20 Indicator X Organisations Schemes used to promote better access to VET: (a) information on existing schemes at different levels (b) evidence of their effectiveness to create a system of lifelong guidance and counselling to enhance access to acquisition of new qualifications through quality learning within formal, nonformal and informal settings.

21 EUROPEAN PEER REVIEW Self-evaluation + external evaluation
Formative, mutual learning User-friendly Critical friend - in the national reform of the Slovak education system


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