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USAWOA European Region 2013 Warrant Officer’s Spring Ball & Social

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1 USAWOA European Region 2013 Warrant Officer’s Spring Ball & Social
The European Region Warrant Officer’s are hosting a Spring Ball and would like to invite you. Come and enjoy a great weekend at a fantastic resort in a spectacular location. Tickets on sale locally and on the website below: Who: Anyone who would like to come and celebrate with the US Army Warrant Officer Association. What: European Ball & Social When: April 6 at 1900 hours Where: Edelweiss Resort in Garmisch Germany Why: To promote camaraderie and celebrate our profession Tickets are only $40 which includes ball entry and dinner *Garmisch Resort rooms offered at a discounted rate! **All proceeds raised by the Warrant Officer Association go directly back into our communities through scholarships and other worthy causes. PROFESSIONALISM REPRESENTATION RECOGNITION

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