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Expanding the learning from this training to all the States/Regions

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1 Expanding the learning from this training to all the States/Regions
Session 17 – Expanding the learning from this training to all the States/Regions (Challenges and opportunities) Nay Myo Thu - UNICEF

2 Do you feel ready? Ready to: Contribute to the establishment and regular update of the health facility and EPI communities master lists, including, but not limited to: Providing the necessary information to the central level intensively at first and then a yearly basis for the update Collecting geographic coordinates in the field when this information is missing or in low quality Use the health facility and EPI communities master lists as the reference for collecting the microplanning and Monitoring & Evaluation related information, including integrating their unique ID in the data collection instruments Convert the paper form into excel file that can then be used in a GIS? Use the resulting excel file, the master lists as well as the other information provided by the central level (travel time and distance matrices) to create thematic maps in QGIS to support the microplaning and M&E process If not, what is missing for your to be able doing the above?

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