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“Number the Stars” Chapters 5-8

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Presentation on theme: "“Number the Stars” Chapters 5-8"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Number the Stars” Chapters 5-8

2 Tentative- unsure; uncertain; not definite; hesitant

3 Relocate- to move to a new location

4 Specter- ghostly figure, bothers the mind

5 Imprinted- description of a pattern made by pressing on a surface

6 Deft- skillful

7 Hearse- a vehicle for conveying a dead person to the place of burial.

8 Mock- not real, a pretend version of something or to make fun of or attack verbally by imitating.

9 Applique- ornamentation, as a cutout design, that is sewn on to or otherwise applied to a piece of material.

10 Intricate- complex; complicated; hard to understand

11 Trousseau- an outfit of clothing, household linen, etc., for a bride

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