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The Role of the Professional Standards Board in Discipline Matters

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of the Professional Standards Board in Discipline Matters"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of the Professional Standards Board in Discipline Matters
FICPI Australia July 2010 Julie Ballance

2 Legislative Framework
Reg PSB has sole responsibility for commencing and conducting proceedings unsatisfactory professional conduct = may commence proceedings professional misconduct = must commence proceedings

3 Legislative Framework cont’d
the Board may investigate either as “a result of information received or of its own motion” patterns of behaviour may be considered attorney may be required to co-operate

4 What happens when information is received?
referred by the Secretary to the discipline sub- committee for consideration the Attorney may be asked explain his/her view of the situation referred to the Board for discussion and resolution/further action

5 Considerations of the Board
evidence nature of the dispute likelihood of a finding of unsatisfactory/ unprofessional misconduct Code of Conduct realistically - cost

6 Statistics

7 Complaints – typical examples/issues
fees terms of engagement conflict behaviour

8 What should you do if a complaint is made about you?
Don’t panic!


10 Questions/discussion

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