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Increasing Preparedness Capacities across the Mediterranean - IPCAM 2 Luigi D’Angelo Italian Civil Protection Department Brussels, 18 January 2017.

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1 Increasing Preparedness Capacities across the Mediterranean - IPCAM 2 Luigi D’Angelo Italian Civil Protection Department Brussels, 18 January 2017

2 IPCAM 2 in a nutshell Four National Civil Protection Authorities pooling their expertise and joining efforts to invest in the development of more effective coordination mechanisms and tools at local, national and cross-border level, a more structured engagement of civil society in disaster response operations in Tunisia. Duration: January 2017 – December 2019 Budget: EUR ( EUR of EU co-funding) Project Partners: Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) Tunisian National Civil Protection Office (ONPC)

3 Objectives (1) General objective:
Support the development of disaster preparedness measures by the Tunisian Civil Protection through stronger regional cooperation.

4 Objectives (2) Specific objectives:
Contribute to more functional interinstitutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms between local and national disaster response actors Developing ONPC emergency management capacities: information exchange mechanisms, risk monitoring and decision-support systems Strengthen the integration between Tunisian civil protection volunteer associations, the national civil protection authority and the population Consolidate collaboration and synergies between the 4 partner civil protection authorities and the links with the EUCPM

5 Building upon and further developing IPCAM 1 achievements
Coordination and collaboration capacities of mixed civil protection teams (professionals + volunteers) Operational Manual for the Regional Commissions for Disaster Management National and international network of trainers in the field of emergency planning and inter-institutional coordination Shared Geographic Information System on available emergency management resources Draft national procedures for the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and the reception of EU assistance

6 Expected results and proposed actions (1)
Result 1 – Develop inter-institutional coordination mechanisms to increase national disaster preparedness capacities. Extend the utilisation of the Operational Manual for the Regional Commissions for Disaster Management to other Tunisian Governorates as well as the Geographic Database of available resources for emergency management Develop the Operational Manual and the Geographic Information System to cover risk monitoring and, if possible, early warning systems in coordination with national technical and scientific agencies. Training of ONPC officials, Governors and members of the Regional Commissions Table-top Exercises

7 Expected results and proposed actions (2)
Result 2 – develop arrangements and tools for the integration of Tunisian civil protection volunteers associations with ONPC structures in view of a more effective participation to civil protection operations. Training of volunteers and ONPC officials on the management of mixed teams. Definition of a regional operational structure and preparation of an Operational Manual for the integration of civil protection volunteers with ONPC forces. Support to ONPC and Volunteers Associations for the development of the national regulation on civil protection volunteers Support to ONPC and Volunteers Associations for the preparation and implementation of sensibilisation campaigns.

8 Expected results and proposed actions (3)
Result 3 – Definition of national inter-institutional procedures for the formulation of a request of international assistance in the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and for the preparation of the reception and deployment of international teams Establishment of an inter-institutional working group for the preparation of national Host Nation Support procedures and for identifying required developments of the regulatory framework to facilitate coordinated actions Appointment of ONPC as National Focal Point of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism Indication Training Organisation of an international exercise to test prepared procedures

9 Thanks for your attention!

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