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Standards based Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Standards based Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards based Learning
For Students

2 measuring students' success on well defined standards/learning goals
WHAT IS IT? measuring students' success on well defined standards/learning goals

3 What are Standards? Standards are statements about what students should know and be able to do within a content area, at each grade level (LEARNING TARGETS). Standards are statements about what students should know and be able to do within a content area, at each grade level (LEARNING TARGETS).

4 What is the Purpose? To provide accurate information about student performance. Simply put – what Ss know and what Ss don’t know. Student grades are based on proficiency or mastery of the learning targets.

5 Purpose cont. Grades are never based on extra credit, attitude, behavior, or neatness. This leads to a growth mindset. Students no longer have the goal of simply “acing a test”, but instead to master the assessed learning targets, and relearn/retake assessments on learning targets that have yet to be mastered.



8 How are learning targets reported?
Each learning target is assessed based on a number between 1 and 4: 4 = MASTERY: The student has mastered the learning target to the degree that he/she can apply the skill to new situations. The student can teach it. 3 = PROFICIENT: The student has demonstrated proficiency of what the learning target requires. He/She can perform competently on multiple occasions without help. 2 = INCONSISTENT: The student has NOT independently demonstrated proficiency of what the learning target requires, but shows partial understanding that suggests progress. Performance is inconsistent/some misconceptions or errors still exist. 1 = EMERGING: Student is struggling and unable to demonstrate proficiency of what the learning target requires, even with help. The student has only limited understanding of the basics or simpler concepts involved.

9 WHAT SBL IS NOT 4,3,2,1 IS NOT equivalent TO A,B,C, D, or E
 These are not a translation to a traditional letter system. We are not replacing A, B, C, D, E with 4, 3, 2, 1. IT is NOT Equivalent!! A “2” DOES NOT Equal a “C.”  A student who receives a 2 has not yet mastered proficiency on the standard. Their evidence is inconsistent and they SHOULD NOT be moving forward. They need to go back. Same thing goes with the “1.” This means little evidence of making progress towards proficiency. It DOES NOT equate to a “D” or “F.” Same goes with a “3” or “4”. It is not EQUIVALENT TO an “A” or “B.” “3” is Proficient (this is the target) and 4 is Mastery (Can teach it).

10 A 4 is not above and beyond

11 Blooms taxonomy

12 Can skateboarding save our schools? | Dr. Tae |

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