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Revision of topics/definitions

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Presentation on theme: "Revision of topics/definitions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision of topics/definitions
Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

2 Injective transformations
Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

3 Surjective transformations
Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

4 Bijective transformations
Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

5 Sequences Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

6 Sequences N = {1, 2, 3, ...} is countably infinite
The rational numbers Q are countable, the real numbers R are not Examples Can also have a finite index set, and a subset of the index results in a family of elements Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

7 Supremum and Infimum Easy to think of as maximum and minimum, but not strictly correct. They are the bounds but do not have to exist in the set A = {-1, 0, 1} sup(A) = 1 inf(A) = -1 B = {n-1: n = [1, 2, 3, ...]} sup(B) = 1 inf(B) = 0 Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

8 lp - norms For an n-dimensional space
2-dimensional Euclidean space unit spheres for a range of p values Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

9 Nicholas Lawrance | ICRA 2011

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