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Florida Standards Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Standards Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Standards Assessment

2 Benefits of Florida Standards
Preparation Competition Clarity Collaboration

3 What Tests Writing – grades 4-6 Reading – grades 3-6 Math – grades 3-6
Science – grades 5

4 Test Schedule- Paper Based Tests
Dates FSA Grade Sessions Time April 2 Writing 4-6 1 120 minutes April 2-3 ELA 3 2 80 minutes May 1-2 4-5 6 85 minutes May 7-8 Math 3-5 3 on 2 days 60 minutes May 3 & 6 Science 5

5 Achievement Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Inadequate:
Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade Below Satisfactory: Likely to need substantial support for the next grade Satisfactory: May need additional support for the next year Proficient: Likely to excel in the next grade Mastery: Highly likely to excel in the next grade

6 Text-based Writing

7 Writing Text based Informative or Opinion Read 2-3 passages
Respond to prompt 1 session 120 minutes

8 ELA Reading

9 English Language Arts/Literacy
Focus on non-fiction (informational text) and careful, focused reading. Discuss reading and write using evidence (focus on facts, versus opinions). Increase academic vocabulary. (e.g. analyze, analogy, articulate) Use real-world examples to better understand concepts.

10 Passages

11 Items per Session

12 Paper based reading Editing Task Choice Selectable Text Multi-select
Evidence Based Selected Response Table Match 25-50% Enhanced questions

13 Item types: Editing Task
Correct For editing task items in the ELA Reading tests, remember that you are supposed to fill in the bubble before the correct answer. If you write your answer in the blank but do not fill in the bubble, your answer will not be scored. old Incorrect


15 Selectable Text


17 Item types: Multiple Choice and Multiselect
For multiple choice items in the ELA Reading tests, remember that you are supposed to fill in the bubble for one correct answer. For multiselect items, you will be asked to fill in bubbles for more than one correct answer. Some items have two parts. Make sure to provide answers for both parts of the item. Be sure to read each item carefully.

18 More than 1 answer

19 More than 1 answer

20 2 part question

21 Evidence Based Selected Response

22 Table Match

23 Mathematical Practice Standards

24 Mathematics Learn more in-depth math by focusing on fewer concepts.
Focus on skill building, speed and accuracy. Use real-world examples to better understand concepts.

25 Items per Session







32 Your Job Help your child relax Make sure they get a good night sleep
Eat a good breakfast Be on time to school

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