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Colonial Resistance Timeline

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1 Colonial Resistance Timeline
Create a timeline based on the lecture that follows colonial resistance and rebellion to British rule.


3 French Indian War 1756-63 Also know as 7 years war
French and Natives work together to stop the spread of English Colonies. At first the mighty English army is losing, before King George III goes full scale and wins the war.

4 Importance: United Colonial people towards a common cause for the first time. The British claim huge new chunks of land, including Florida since Spain had sided with the French. Left British in huge debt, which they wanted the colonist to pay back. Colonist were surprised at the weakness of the British government.

5 Events leading to Revolution War
“Lacked consent of Governed” Proclamation of 1763 Limited settlement

6 “Lacked Consent of Governed”
Sugar Act (1764) To stop smuggling of goods Taxed goods, tried in single judge court Stamp Act (1765) Tax on documents and printed items Boycott British Goods

7 Tar and Feather

8 Boston Massacre (1770) “Straw that broke the camel's back”
Over a plan to haul Americans to trial in England.

9 Boston Tea Party (1773) Imported Tea not taxed, but domestic Tea was taxed. Dumped 18,000 lbs of East India Company’s tea into the Boston Harbor.

10 Why dump the Tea?

11 Intolerable Acts (1774) Quartering of troops:
Forcing colonist to house British troops. Results in the forming of the 1st Continental Congress 1774 to draw up colonial rights. “Basic rights all humans should have”

12 First Battle at Concord: 1775
Colonist take Boston and hold British Soldiers (redcoats). Colonist use gorilla tactics. Hiding, snipers, go after generals, hit and run. While English hold their positions in traditional style warfare. Second Continental Congress:1775-6 Represented the colonist as united “Americans” for the first time!

13 War was a clash between British might and Colonial heart and will.

14 2nd Continental Congress

15 Declaration of Independence
Tomas Paine’s “Common Sense”1775 Helped to convince colonist that they should break away from England. Patriots: wanted break from G.B. Loyalist: stay loyal to the king. Dec. of Ind. written in 1776. Thomas Jefferson America is now free from British Control.

16 American Constitution
Creates a system of government designed to ensure the following: Prevent dictators/monarchies by creating a 3 branch gov’t w/ checks and balances. Limit influence of Religion with “separation of church and state”. A rep democracy, were people get to vote for taxes. Individual liberties: The concept that rules to protect the people from the gov’t. All men are created Equal! Ratified in United State of America is born!

17 Bill of Rights Only way the Anti-Federalist would agree to sign the constitution was if it included a Bill of Rights. Purpose: Protect the people from the Gov’t by listing rights that can never be taken away. Examples?????? 1st: Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly 2nd: Right to guns and militia 4th: Right to privacy and property 5th: Due process of the law 6th: Trail by Jury!

18 Philadelphia Convention 1787

19 Patriots V. Loyalist Movie/Journal What is a Patriot? A loyalist?
Why are William’s and Ben Franklin’s relationship torn apart during the Revolutionary War? How does their relationship represent the different beliefs of the colonist of the time?

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