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Review the Problem of Practice
Problem of Practice Data indicates that student tasks are not at the Bloom’s higher level which stimulates a student’s thinking. Tasks are defined as opportunities for students to verbalize, write or demonstrate their thinking through collaboration, answering questions, completing group and independent work, discussions and/or reflections. Higher level thinking is defined as using cognitive processes at the apply, analyze, evaluate, or create level.
Essential Questions Essential Question # 1- What is the task?
Percentage of engagement time (teacher vs. student) recorded in minutes Task format (whole group, group work, independent )-frequency of Bloom’s level of tasks using CISD cognitive rubric
Essential Questions Essential Question # 2- What questions are teachers asking? Question levels (procedural versus content) Cognitive level of content questions Frequency and length of think time given to students
Essential Questions Essential Question # 3- What are the students’ responses in relation to the task? Bloom’s level of student responses using CISD student response [discourse] rubric
Language of Instruction
Task: what a student does (think/wait time; answer a question; complete group or partner work; classroom discussion/student talk; reflection - verbal, written, blogging) Level: based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Thinking: expression of students’ thoughts; verbalization/written/drawn/projects
Castleberry High School 2014-15
Instructional Rounds Castleberry High School
Momentum Plan Analysis: What did the Network team leave as the visit analysis?
64% at lower level 36% at higher level Avg 24 questions per classroom 61% at level 1 34% at level 2 86% whole group Two-thirds teacher talk 81% of teacher questions at lower level – Remember/Understand 77% of student discourse at level 1 – minimal student talk, response is 3 words or less, response is 5 seconds or less Teacher talk was 2x student talk Majority of task were whole group 83% of questions at lower level 15% at middle level 2% upper level 87% at level 1 74% whole group 2/6 were asking 30+ questions
Momentum Plan Analysis: What were the next level of work ideas from the Network team?
Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 Preplan high level questions using questions stems and document in lesson plan. Probe for higher level responses once initial question has been asked. Sit and get or stand and deliver Students should be collaborating on a higher level, and the whole group time in between to discuss w/in groups Probe students to elaborate/extend their thinking (because can you provide evidence/example, can you add to, connect to what you know) Give students questions (written/board); Think Time; Pair/Share; allow reflection before response Provide subject-specific examples of student responses (level 1-4) using academic vocabulary Pre plan small group activities to increase student talk and collaboration. Set expectations and roles. Tasks should be designed to answer one or two key questions. Make groups accountable. Reduce the number of questions to allow for students to think, process, and collaborate before sharing out. Ask students to justify their responses by giving examples, citing evidence, making connections, etc. Continue to pursue think-pair-share as a strategy to cooperate and develop thinking
Momentum Plan Targets/ Goals: What short-term goals will you set over the next 6 weeks to meet the NLW? Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 Reduce lower level questions by 5%; increase higher level questions by 5% Level 1 <68%; Level 2 >25%; Level 3 >5%; Level 4 >2% Reduce lower level questions by 7%; increase higher level questions by 7% Level 1 <68%; Level 2 >25%; Level 3 >5%; Level 4 >2% Reduce lower level questions (R3 61%) Increase level 2 responses for 34% to 50% Reduce Whole Group from 86% to 70%
Momentum Plan Targets/ Goals: How will your internal partners support these practices?
Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 Internal partners will each create three questions for an upcoming lesson (week of Dec. 15); identify Bloom’s level; rewrite questions to higher level Then, 1 of the 3 new questions will be chosen by each partner. Partners will write student responses at the 4 levels of student discourse. During the week of Dec 15, internal partners will complete partner observations to – (1) record questions and id Level of Blooms and (2) note question(s) partner utilized the strategy of Think, Pair, Share Partners will focus on reducing the lower level questions while increasing higher level questions. Departments brainstormed question extenders (move low level to higher level by probing) and brainstormed questions to move higher level questions back (recall/understand) to help students go back to answer original higher level question. Partners will observed each other, record teacher questions, identify level of questions and meet to share data. Partners will focus on reducing number of question Teachers will focus on asking higher level questions Ask students to justify their responses by giving examples, citing evidence, making connections, etc. Continue to pursue think-pair-share as a strategy to cooperate and develop thinking Partners will observe and provide feedback week of February 9 whole group, small group, independent
Momentum Plan Analysis: What will your focus be from the NLW statements?
Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 Probe for higher level responses Reduce sit and get or stand and deliver Give students questions (written/board) Think/Pair/Share Allow reflection before response Reduce whole group Ask students to justify their responses by giving examples, citing evidence, making connections, etc. Think/Pair/Share Increase think time (wait time) Increase student collaboration (pair)
Momentum Plan Targets/ Goals: What long-term goals will you establish for the semester or school year based on the visit? End Of Year End of Semester Reduce lower level questions by 7%; increase higher level questions by 7% Level 1 <68%; Level 2 >25%; Level 3 >5%; Level 4 >2% Reduce lower level questions by 21%; (83% to 64%) (R2 to R3) increase higher level questions by 21% (17% to 36%) (R2 to R3) Level 2 >50% Whole Group < 70%
Momentum Plan Study: What research based books/articles/presentation will you supply to your campus to support improvement for the NLW? When will this take place? Who will lead the study (you, department chairs, leads? What are you targeting specifically and is it measureable by an internal partner observation? Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 CHS Teachers – Think, Pair, Share Cooperative Learning Strategy ( m/group- work/cooperative- learning/48547.html) CHS Principal – Research articles for staff study and read study - Finding the Effects of Think-Pair- Share on Student Confidence and Participation (Sampsel, 2013) CHS Teachers – The Use of Scaffolds for Teaching Higher-Level Cognitive Strategies Focus: Not only are scaffolds useful for teaching well-structured skills, but they also provide the support students need to tackle-level thinking strategies. Lead Study – Dept Chair (Core) AP/Principal (noncore) When? Week of Oct 27 CHS Admin Team – Research Brief: High Level Thinking and Questioning Strategies Focus: What does research say about higher level thinking activities for students? What about questioning strategies for teachers? How does a principal work with teachers to strengthen their instructional skills in these areas? CHS Teachers – Talk Moves Strategy CHS Principal – Research information for staff on Talk Moves
Talk Moves I agree with what ________ said because…
I want to add on to what _________ said. I think that… I agree with ________ because… I disagree with _________ because… I have a connection to what ______ said… Can you explain your thinking? Can you repeat that? I couldn’t understand you. Varying Thinking (lead4ward)
Momentum Plan Professional Development: What training does your staff need to deepen the staff’s understanding of the Problem of Practice focus? Visit #1 Visit #2 Visit #3 Review of data from IR visit. Review of POP, Essential Questions, and Student Discourse Rubric Opportunity to create probe/extending questions to fit subject area. Opportunity to implement, practice, observe partners (10 minutes) and receive feedback When will this occur? October 13 Who will lead the training? Davis & Sanders Review and update of Rounds Momentum Plan Review of POP, Essential Questions, and Student Discourse Rubric Opportunity to determine level of questions, rewrite question at higher level and generate example of possible student responses at each level of discourse with Internal Rounds partner Training on Think, Pair, Share strategy Opportunity to engage in Think, Pair Share strategy When will this occur? December 3 Who will lead the training? Dr. Davis Review and update of IR visit #3 Review POP, Essential Questions and Student Discourse Rubric Training on Talk Moves Watch video Provide Talk Moves handout When will this occur? January 28 Who will lead the training? Dr. Davis
Momentum Plan Internal Rounds Plan
Visit #3 Visit #1 Visit #2 When will your teams meet? The week of October 27 Who will monitor data they collect from informal rounds focus? Partners will monitor their data and bring to the next training session. How will these visit support the study / PD for the campus? Scaffolding for higher level of questions Higher level questioning Increase student talk through the use of Think, Pair, Share Strategy When will your teams meet? December 1 Who will monitor data they collect from informal rounds focus? Principal How will these visit support the study / PD for the campus? Increase student talk through the use of Think, Pair, Share Strategy When will your teams meet? Week of Feb 9 Who will monitor data they collect from informal rounds focus? Principal How will these visit support the study / PD for the campus? Increase Think Time and Small Group/Pair Collaboration Increase level 2 discourse
Partner Internal Rounds
Observe week of February 9 (minimum of 15 minutes) Record Task format in time (whole group, group work, independent) Meet w/ partner on or before February 13 Provide feedback Whole group, small group, independent (Think Time) Suggestions on adjusting activity to increase Think Time and Small Group Submit Summary February 13
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