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6th Grade Social Studies

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1 6th Grade Social Studies
Fall Mid-Term 6th Grade Social Studies

2 Basic Information Know the maps for Egypt, China and India.
Know the major rivers for the four areas.

3 Chapter 1 Ice Man – scientists studied Stone Age
Fire – an important advancement. Hunters and gatherers

4 Chapter 1 Farming – why it was important Pastoral nomads
New Stone Age versus the Old Stone Age. Advantages of Settled Life Bronze Age

5 Chapter 1 Development of Social Classes Aspects of Earliest Cities.

6 Vocabulary – Chapter 1 Prehistory Social Class Archeologist
Oral Tradition Geography Domesticate Fertile Irrigation Artisan Civilization Social Class

7 Chapter 2 Location of first known schools Sumer location – region name
Rivers in the area of Mesopotamia Sumer Religion Sumer fell to the Babylonians

8 Chapter 2 Empires of Mesopotamia.
Babylonia became the center of trade. New Babylonian Empire became a center of learning and science. Hammurabi’s Code

9 Chapter 2 Tablets were made of clay for writing.
Phoenicians were a great sea power. Phoenician Alphabet – 22 letters. Israelites also known as Hebrews. Abraham the leader of Israelites.

10 Chapter 2 Israelites never built a large empire, but had a great influence on civilization. Fled to Egypt during a famine. Became enslaved to the Egyptians.

11 Vocabulary – Chapter 2 Scribe City-State Polytheism Monotheism Myth
Empire Caravan Bazaar Cuneiform Famine Exile

12 Chapter 3 The Nile River Name given to it World’s longest river
The Gifts of the Nile Used for trade Desert protected Egypt Nubian trade routes

13 Chapter 3 Egyptian Kings Absolute Power God-kings The Three Kingdoms
Egyptian Religion Chief god Osiris

14 Chapter 3 Belief in the afterlife Pharaoh’s tombs Giza Social Classes

15 Chapter 3 Peasants Women Writing in Egypt Hieroglyphs Papyrus
Rosetta Stone

16 Chapter 3 Science and Math Religion and science closely related. Nubia
Neighbor to the South Nickname Meroë

17 Vocabulary – Chapter 3 Cataract Hieroglyphs Delta Papyrus Silt
Pharaoh Dynasty Regent Afterlife Mummy Pyramid Hieroglyphs Papyrus Astronomer Ore Artisans

18 Chapter 4 India known as a subcontinent. Climate of monsoons
Barriers and pathways Cities were carefully planned Mysterious decline of farmers

19 Chapter 4 Aryan culture Gained power by using horse-drawn chariots.
Caste System Hinduism develops One single spiritual power - Brahman

20 Chapter 4 Aryan culture Gained power by using horse-drawn chariots.
Caste System Hinduism develops One single spiritual power - Brahman

21 Chapter 4 Hindu religious text – Upanishads Reincarnation
Hindu’s Duties Buddhism Release from reincarnation Middle Way – Eightfold Path

22 Chapter 4 The Maurya Empire Chandragupta Asoka’s Leadership
Built the greatest empire of India. Buddhist Religious tolerance Sent missionaries to other parts of the world.

23 Vocabulary – Chapter 4 Subcontinent Ahimsa Monsoon Meditate Citadel
Migrate Caste Brahman Avatar Reincarnation Dharma Ahimsa Meditate Nirvana Missionary Tolerance

24 Chapter 5 Dragons Geographic barriers Yellow River
Huang, China’s Sorrow Shang Dynasty First Alphabet, Bronze work

25 Chapter 5 Zhou Dynasty Ruled for almost 1000 years. Mandate of Heaven
Family Explain extended family Women’s role Authority

26 Chapter 5 Family name Confucius Philosophy developed Respecting others
Leaders must set good examples Civil servants Many religious beliefs in China

27 Chapter 5 Liu Bang Wudi Qin Dynasty built roads Created one currency

28 Chapter 5 The Silk Road Advances in Technology Silk Work Paper Rudder
Wheelbarrow Etc.

29 Vocabulary – Chapter 5 Loess Dike Civil service Warlord Currency

30 Study! Good Luck!

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