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How confident are you?.

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Presentation on theme: "How confident are you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How confident are you?

2 How confident are you…. When you haven’t done your homework?
When you came late to school? When you have cheated in a test? The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever isaiah 32

3 “Rightness helps me to be confident”
Catch Phrase 5: “Rightness helps me to be confident”

4 Action time: Rightness makes you confident ….
What are my 3 best habits that make me feel right each day? What is my 1 worst habit that makes me feel wrong each day? What should I do to change this habit? I am confident when I do things right!

5 Rightness makes you confident ….
“The fruit of rightness will be peace and confidence” Isaiah 32

6 Rightness make you confident ….
Prayer time: Dear heavenly father, Thankyou that you help us to make right choices and be confident! Amen

7 Rightness makes you confident ….
Song : “I’m gonna walk with my Lord” John Froud ‘Haven’t You Heard’ album

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