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Ecological and Environmental Stability

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1 Ecological and Environmental Stability
Urban Issues in the NCCAP

2 Components of the Environment
Blue Groundwater and Freshwater Coastal and Marine Water Supply Green Forests Agriculture Critical Habitats and Biodiversity Brown Air Quality Water Quality Solid Waste Management The ‘blue’ part refers to water and has a number of components. In short, it involves the protection (conservation) of important wetlands and marine ecosystems from the impacts of human activities, protection of water quality in wetlands and marine areas to avoid water pollution from impacts of human activities, and the protection of water resources used as water supply for humans from pollution. The ‘green’ part of environment is what would normally be called conservation, and focuses on biodiversity. This involves the protection of important elements of the natural environment from the impacts of human activities. The ‘brown’ component involves protecting humans from the impacts of human activities that have environmental impacts, especially air pollution, excessive noise, exposure to toxic chemicals, and risks and hazards from industrial activities.

3 Systems of Interest

4 Theory of Change Ultimate Outcome
Enhanced adaptive capacities of communities, resilience of natural ecosystems and sustainability of built environment to climate change Intermediate Outcome Enhanced resilience and stability of natural systems Increased adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities Immediate Outcome Vulnerable communities have knowledge & capacities on environmental services and their significance to CC adaptation Ridge-to-reef ecosystems conserved, protected and restored

5 Results Matrix, NCCAP 2011-2028 Ultimate Outcome
Enhanced adaptive capacity of communities, resilience of natural ecosystems and sustainability of built environment to climate change. Ultimate Outcome Indicators Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species (e.g. Tamaraw, Philippine Cockatoo and Philippine Eagle) Amount of damage caused by major natural disasters (in Peso) Intermediate Outcome Enhanced resilience and stability of natural systems and communities. Intermediate Outcome Indicators Change in conservation status of threatened and/or protected species Change in water quality: Water quality of priority river systems improved (by BOD water criteria: Class C ≤ 7 mg/L, 7 mg/L < Class D ≤ 10 mg/L) % change forest cover using land use definition Immediate Outcome Ecosystems protected, rehabilitated and ecological services restored. Indicators Area of forest, agricultural, fishery and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable management Extinction of threatened species of listed wild flora and fauna prevented % land area covered by forest from 23.8% in 2003 to 30% in 2016 using land use definition % of critical coastal and marine habitats effectively and equitably managed

6 Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Urban Areas
Air Quality Low air dispersion/circulation, leading to increased number of days with bad air quality Increased surface ozone in polluted areas, leading to worsening smog pollution Extreme Weather Events Drought aggravates water sufficiency issues for cities that depend on groundwater Increased frequency of prolonged rainfall and frequent storms/monsoons resulting to flooding which may me exacerbated by in adequate solid waste management, impermeability of urban surface and inadequate drainage system “Urban Heat Island” Effect Increase in daily minimum temperature Heavy rainfall events tend to occur more frequently over urban areas Sea Level Rise Saltwater intrusion into freshwater systems and coastal communities

7 Data Checklist INDICATORS REMARKS Some reported species vary per year
Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species (e.g. Tamaraw, Philippine Cockatoo and Philippine Eagle) Some reported species vary per year Amount of damage caused by major natural disasters (in Peso) Cost of damage for agriculture, infrastructure and communication Change in conservation status of threatened and/or protected species Reported as figures per taxonomic group and not species level Change in water quality: Water quality of priority river systems improved (by BOD water criteria: Class C <= 7mg/L; Class D >7mg/L & >= 10mg/L) % change forest cover using land use definition ✔(2010 and 2015 data available) Area of forest, agricultural, fishery and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable management ✔ (demarcation and delineation of 28 PA areas; area of protected reefs) Extinction of threatened species of listed wild flora & fauna prevented Reported as wildlife conservation Land area covered by forest from 23.8% in 2003 to 30% in 2016 using land use definition ✔ (2010 and 2015 data available) % of critical coastal and marine habitats effectively and equitably managed Area of protected reefs

8 EES Interventions Existing Strategies Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Environmental Policy and Law Enforcement Capacity Development on CLUP preparation Natural Resources Accounting Proposed improvement Air quality and solid waste management to be included in CLUP

9 THANK YOU Climate Change Commission Website:

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