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2 Harry Harlow and his monkeys
“substitute moms”

3 John Bowlby and Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
Late 1960s “Strange Situation”


5 Securely attached—children welcome the mother’s return and seek closeness to her
Insecurely attached Avoidant style—children ignored the returning mother Ambivalent style—children showed a combination of anger and rejection simultaneous with a clear desire to be close Disorganized—children perform contradictory actions such as approaching the mother while gazing away—also appear disoriented

6 Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting
Dr. William Sears and Martha Sears, R.N. Attachment Parenting International Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting Prepare yourself for pregnancy , birth and parenting Feed with love and respect Respond with sensitivity Use nurturing touch

7 Ensure safe sleep—physically and emotionally
Provide consistent, loving care Practice positive discipline Strive for balance in your personal and family life

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