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Patients’ perspectives on GP interactions after cognitive behavioural therapy for refractory IBS: a qualitative study in UK primary and secondary care.

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Presentation on theme: "Patients’ perspectives on GP interactions after cognitive behavioural therapy for refractory IBS: a qualitative study in UK primary and secondary care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients’ perspectives on GP interactions after cognitive behavioural therapy for refractory IBS: a qualitative study in UK primary and secondary care by Alice Sibelli, Rona Moss-Morris, Trudie Chalder, Felicity L Bishop, Sula Windgassen, and Hazel Everitt BJGP Volume 68(674):e654-e662 August 30, 2018 ©2018 by British Journal of General Practice

2 Identified themes (dark blue) and sub-themes (lighter blue).
Identified themes (dark blue) and sub-themes (lighter blue). Differences between cognitive behavioural therapy and treatment-as-usual participants were identified within the sub-themes associated with perceived paucity of GPs’ knowledge (main aspects highlighted in grey).In all trial groups, the participants’ perceptions seem to be linked to negative emotions, illness beliefs and treatment expectations, and reduced trust in doctors. IBS = irritable bowel syndrome. Alice Sibelli et al. Br J Gen Pract 2018;68:e654-e662 ©2018 by British Journal of General Practice

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