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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 CATEGORY category CATEGORY CATEGORY 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 A group of people with physical or cultural traits different from
those of the dominant group in the society. What is a minority?? Return Row 1, Col 1

4 What is a criminal act motivated by prejudice?
A hate crime. What is a criminal act motivated by prejudice? Return 1,2

5 What type of action is performed during social exchange?
Voluntary What type of action is performed during social exchange? Return 1,3

6 Prejudice Widely held negative attitudes toward a group (minority or majority) and its individual members is what? Return 1,4

7 People at a basketball game are an example of what type of group?
Social aggregate People at a basketball game are an example of what type of group? Return 2,1

8 Incarceration What is a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison? 2,2 Return

9 What are hippies and tattoos examples of?
Deviance. What are hippies and tattoos examples of? Return 2,3

10 What is the most popular type of crime?
Larcency What is the most popular type of crime? Return 2,4

11 An expectation that leads to behavior that causes the
expectation to become reality. What is self-fulfilling prophecy? Return 3,1

12 Behavior that matches group
Expectations. What is conformity? Return 3,2

13 What are women and blacks in s. africa examples of?
Minorities What are women and blacks in s. africa examples of? Return 3,3

14 Judging others in terms of one’s own cultural standards.
What does ethnocentrism involve? Return 3,4

15 Small size, face-to-face contact, continuous contact, and proper
social environment What are primary groups based on? Return 4,1

16 Skin color, hair color, eye color, height
What are the four main things that biologists use to determine race? Return 4,2

17 Starting at birth, but continues Throughout your whole life.
When is nearly all of human social behavior learned? Return 4,3

18 Yes. Do human babies that have been denied close contact usually have difficulty forming emotional ties with others? Return 4,4

19 Minorities “dominated by the majority” and “distinctive physical characteristics” are key distinctive figure of what? Return 5,1

20 An extreme form of prejudice that assumes superiority of one
group over others. What is racism? Return 5,2

21 Prejudice involves holding biased opinions, discrimination
involves acting upon those opinions by treating people unfairly. How are prejudice and discrimination different? Return 5,3

22 System comprising institutions and processes responsible for
enforcing criminal statutes. What is the criminal justice system? Return 5,4

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