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Spring Break with Champions

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1 Spring Break with Champions
Location = Belleville School #8 (183 Union Ave) – Use Door #5 * Parents must Pick up and Drop off students – NO Transportation provided Dates = April 2nd – 5th (April 6 will be a make-up school day due to Snow Closings – Before and Afterschool will be available on this day free of charge to the parents who paid for a day that was previously closed due to the snow) Times = 7:00am – 6:00pm Rates = $30 per day (must sign up in advanced) * 10% sibling discount * 10% discount if you schedule & attend all 4 Spring Break days! (Doesn’t apply to PFP Parents) * PFP rate is $20/day (before PFP covered amount) Paper Registration forms are available at your Child’s Champions Site! Register ASAP – Spots are limited! NEW FAMILIES ARE WELCOME – You must also register online at and pay standard registration fee for this school year ($75 per child/$100 per family) For more information: Gabriela Almagro Karaine Luce

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