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Target Tobacco Coalition

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1 Target Tobacco Coalition
New Directions

2 4 Goal Areas 1. Preventing Tobacco Initiation Among Youth and Young Adults; 2. Promoting quitting among adults and youth; 3. Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke; 4. Identifying and eliminating tobacco-related disparities.

3 Five Integral Components For Successful Tobacco Control:
Engaging in Policy Work: Smoke Free Law, Tobacco Free Schools, workplace policies, tobacco tax. Collaborating with the Community: Target Tobacco Coalition Addressing Tobacco-Related Health Disparities: 10 identified disparate populations Implementing an Effective Infrastructure: State and local programs Advancing the Knowledge Base: integrated with all other components

4 Organizational Roles Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (TEPP) Montezuma County Public Health Educational and resource distribution program Target Tobacco Coalition A project of TEPP formed of partner agencies and community members to advance the goals and policy initiatives of TEPP and the State Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (STEPP)

5 Budget Realities CDC Recommended Annual Total funding levels for Colorado State Tobacco Control Programs, $54.4 million. State Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (STEPP) Funding in 2008 $24 million, 44% of recommended levels. as of September 2009 = $9 million This is 17% of the recommended funding levels.

6 Percent tobacco revenue to fund at CDC recommended level is 18%
Deaths in Colorado caused by smoking: Annual average smoking-attributable deaths 4,300 Youth ages 0-17 projected to die from smoking 92,000 Annual Costs Incurred in Colorado from Smoking Total medical $1,314 million Medicaid/medicare $319 million Lost productivity from premature death $992 million State Revenue from Tobacco Excise Taxes and Settlement FY 2006-tobacco tax revenue $229.2 million FY2006 tobacco settlement payment $80.0 million Total tobacco state revenue from taxes and MSA funds $309.1 million

7 Local TEPP Budget Changes

8 Goal Areas Youth Access Policy: To work with coalition partners to develop local policy that reduces youth access to tobacco. Colorado Chew Tobacco Collaborative Initiative: Dove Creek and Cortez, Cindy take the lead. Engage CO communities in a CBPR data collection process that will begin to identify community concerns related to chew tobacco and increase community readiness to address chew tobacco issues locally

9 TEPP Projects Meet with up to 8 agencies for educational presentation to staff and/or clients. Spread the word? What are some agencies? Set up a blog and maybe Facebook to distribute local and national updates archive studies, fact sheets etc. Keep column in Horizons.

10 Coalition Projects Youth Access Policy, 1-3 years
Help determine components of policy; Become knowledgeable about the “whats” and the “whys” ; Work with Youth Leadership Council to move project forward. Help determine the direction,decision makers, and spheres of influence; Be advocates for the policy in the community.

11 Julia Hesse 106 W. North St. Cortez, CO (970) ext 233

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