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Majlis Ansarullah Monthly Meeting

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1 Majlis Ansarullah Monthly Meeting
January 2018 Changed date This slide deck contains images licensed for the purpose of this presentation only. No one is permitted to use the images for any other use, without prior permission.

2 AGENDA Recitation of the Holy Qur’an (Verse 29:46) Pledge
Priorities of the year 2018 Sermon of the month: Salat – the path to success and salvation (Sep 29, 2017) Health Tip General Tip Reminders/announcements Du'a No change

3 Click to listen the recitation
[29:46] Recite that which has been revealed to thee of the Book, and observe Prayer. Surely, Prayer restrains one from indecency and manifest evil, and remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue. And Allah knows what you do. No change.. Take from Khutba?

4 Ansar Pledge Say this part three times:
Ash-hadu • alla ilaha • illallahu • wahdahu • la sharika lahu • wa ash-hadu • anna Muhammadan • ‘abduhu • wa rasuluh Say this part once: I bear witness • that there is none worthy of worship • except Allah. • He is One • (and) has no partner, • and I bear witness • that Muhammad (peace be upon him) • is His servant • and messenger. I solemnly pledge • that I shall endeavor • throughout my life • for the propagation • and consolidation • of Ahmadiyyat in Islam, • and shall stand guard • in defense of • the institution of Khilafat. • I shall not hesitate • to offer any sacrifice • in this regard. • Moreover, • I shall exhort my children • to always remain dedicated • and devoted • to Khilafat. • Insha’allah.

5 Priorities of the Year At least 50% of Tajnid to attend monthly meetings where we discuss how to benefit from our Khalifa’s Friday sermons by making it part of our everyday lives. Fulfilling the wish of our Khalifa of having 50% of Chanda- paying and earning members to do Wasiyyat. Help establish a culture of congregational Salat and love of the Holy Qur'an. Involve everyone in the noble task of Tabligh through a variety of Tabligh activities. More than 50% Tajnid to attend National Ijtima. The National Ijtima and Shura will take place at BRM on Sep 21-23, Please start planning now.

6 Salat – the path to success and salvation
Friday Sermon, Sep 29, 2017 No change

7 Synopsis of the Sermon Salat is obligatory upon every believer. However, many do not give proper attention to this obligation despite having reached a mature age of a Nasir. The poisonous influence of the world is causing the love for God to grow cold, thus people do not experience the kind of pleasure that they should derive from worship. Salat has a pleasure and joy that is greater than all the joys of the world. Salat embellishes a man’s worldly life and his faith. Allah has cursed the worshippers who are not mindful of its essence. When Salat is observed properly, it protects one from all kinds of sins and transgression. The Promised Messiah (as) says: ‘If you fail to heed my words and do not infuse a pious reformation in you, it is worthless entering into my Bai’at. The weapon, which shall lead us to victory is Prayer.” May God Almighty enable every one of us to remain firm to safeguard our Salat, Ameen. No change

8 Share your thoughts! Open Discussion Question
As a Nasir, which aspect of this Friday sermon can I benefit the most from? Share your thoughts! No change

9 Discussion Scenario I You are sitting with some cousins, some of whom you know are not very consistent in their Prayers. It’s time for Maghrib Prayer, but these cousins suggest that you pray later as the family is in the middle of a good conversation. One of these cousins even mocks you playfully, calling you New image the family “Maulvi.”

10 How would you respond? You tell them, “jest if you must, but I have found that praying on time has made my heart increasingly inclined to true pleasure of Salat”. Quietly get up and offer your Salat on-time knowing that the delight of Salat is greater than any conversation with anyone else. You request them all to take a break to offer Salat together because it would be the best festivity of the evening. Any other response

11 How will your response change?
… if you are generally distracted in your Prayers? … if you are the host, and these cousins have not visited you in some months? … if you have been praying fervently for the past few weeks, and have not felt the special light that you were expecting? … if you are visiting your cousins’ home and finding a spot to say your Prayers could be an inconvenience to your hosts? Za'im Sahib, please if you or any member has any question or concern.

12 Guidance from Friday Sermon
The Promised Messiah (as) states: "One reason for not inclining to Prayer and for laziness is that when a person inclines to beings other than Allah, his soul and heart incline towards them also." A tree that grows facing a certain way, get inclined that way. People who turn away from God, get inclined to those others than God. This hardens their heart and soul. The Promised Messiah (as) states: "Thus this is a grave matter and something that makes the heart tremble that a person should beg before anyone other than God. This is why it is very important to establish and make the Salat a constant feature of one's life. Then, gradually that time approaches when a person inherits a light and a pleasure in the state of complete self-annihilation. He then becomes distant from everything else and severs all ties only submitting towards God Almighty. At this stage, man is bestowed with a light and attains tranquility."

13 Discussion Scenario II
Everyday, you arrive home after a long day at work around 7:30pm. Salatul Isha is at 8:15pm at the Masjid which is just 15 minutes from your home. If you quickly eat dinner, you can get to the Masjid in time. However, your children will likely be asleep by the time you get home, and your wife, who is tired too, will have to carry the burden of making sure their homework is complete and ready for bed.

14 How would you respond? Salat at the Masjid is priority. Offer Isha at the Masjid everyday. Though Salat at the Masjid is priority, your family has rights too. Offer 3 days Isha at the masjid, and 2 days at home. Let your wife and kids decide whether you should offer Isha at the Masjid. Any other response.

15 How will your response change?
… if you are usually the only one at the Masjid for Isha? … if your wife also works professionally during the day? … if you don’t find true delight yet in offering Salat? … if you have a son over the age of ten, whereby he should also be offering Salat at the Masjid with you? Za'im Sahib, please if you or any member has any question or concern.

16 Guidance from Friday Sermon
Today, by the Grace of Allah, the Annual Ijtima of Majlis Ansarullah UK is commencing. In this respect, I wish to draw the attention of Ansar to an extremely important but fundamental matter. And that is Salat [Prayer]. Salat is obligatory upon every believer. However, after the age of 40, one should have developed an increased sense of awareness [of the fact] that with the passing of each day, one's life is decreasing. Thus, every believer; everyone, who believes in the life after death and the Last Day, should be fully focused on fulfilling the rights of Allah the Almighty as well as the rights of His servants. Elaborating on what a real Prayer consists of and how it should be performed, the Promised Messiah (as) says: 'Remember that Prayer is something that adorns and improves one's worldly life as well as faith. ... Also, a person must pray and supplicate constantly and committedly and only then can he or she develop a state of humility and pray with intense devotion and weep in their Prayers.

17 Take Home Message

18 What to discuss with your family?
Pick one of the following topics from this Friday sermon to discuss with children/family during casual discussion: We should offer our Prayers in congregation and in the Mosque as often as possible. Let’s make a Salat Schedule for the month. Compare against last month’s performance. We should offer our Prayers without any distractions. What distracts us and how can we shut those thoughts out of our minds effectively? Share with your family the delight and benefits you get out of Salat. r Tips to engage youth in conversation: (1) Give them more talking time, and (2) use examples from Huzur’s (aba) sermon to make a point.

19 Pull out your smart phone To-Do list
Pick one: Write beloved Huzoor (aba) that may Allah Almighty grant you true grace in your Prayers and Ta‘luk billah (relationship with God). Commit to a 40-day Salat drive, where you will offer all of your Prayers on-time and increase offering Tahajjud. Read Remembrance of Allah (“Zikr-Ilahi”) by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) to learn some additional techniques to improve your method of worship. Commit to offering more Salat in congregation. if you have a different idea.

20 Always Warm-up and Cool-down
Health Tip Always Warm-up and Cool-down Always start your workout with a warm-up and end with a cool-down Starting a workout with "cold" muscles can lead to injury. Routinely Warming-up all major muscles for 5-10 minutes provides nutrient and oxygen rich blood to muscles Always Cool-down After a workout. We should spend 5-10 min cooling down Cool-down involves stretching exercises to relax and lengthen muscles throughout the body and improve range of motion Cool-down Prevents muscle cramps & dizziness as it gradually slows your breathing and heart rate Za'im Sahib, please have someone with healthcare background to answer questions or any specific questions to

21 How to start a new business?
General Tip How to start a new business? Choose a business to be established considering one’s capability to manage and availability of funds. (Do not invest all the available funds you have.) Prepare a feasibility to work around the related variables. A friend or any acquaintance experienced in the same business may be consulted in its preparation. Calculate total cost of the project which will include related equipment and supplies, 6 months’ rent and utilities as well as payroll and any other related cost. Decide if you can afford to invest part of your savings. Determine the profitability of the business by subtracting all the related costs from the projected sales of the business. Be conservative in numbers to be on safe side. Za'im Sahib, please have someone with relevant background to answer questions or any specific questions to

22 Reminders/Announcements Du'a Jazakumullah for Participating
Reminders/Announcements Du'a Jazakumullah for Participating! If you enjoyed it, please convey to those brothers who are not here today!

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