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Which area of Literacy and English would you like the most help with?

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Presentation on theme: "Which area of Literacy and English would you like the most help with?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which area of Literacy and English would you like the most help with?

2 Date of session What will we study? Wednesday 3rd October
Welcome back and introduction; High level vocabulary; Ranking/ordering key points from a story. Wednesday 10th October Grammar Ninja; Labelling aspects of a story; Information retrieval (find and copy). Wednesday 17th October Timed responses- short constructed response; Punctuation for effect. Wednesday 31st October Open-ended responses; Using PEE to respond. Halloween special! Wednesday 7th November Grammar and punctuation paper; Key vocabulary spelling test. Bonfire night special! Wednesday 14th November Finders, keepers: Reading for key information. Wednesday 21st November SPaG games; writing with purpose. Wednesday 28th November Team time- information retrieval and summarising texts. Wednesday 5th December Christmas special: Longer response questions.


4 Think carefully… use your strategies!
1-30 in your book… KS3 tricky words! Think carefully… use your strategies!

5 Listen as I read the extract from Matilda…
Matilda demonstrated her understanding of the two times tables. Matilda’s teacher was Miss Honey. The school that she went to was called Crunchem Hall Primary School. There was 18 other children in Matilda’s class. Miss Honey gave each pupil a brand-new exercise book. Matilda was 5 and a half before she started school. Miss Honey warned the class about Miss Trunchbull. The head-mistress, Miss Trunchbull, was a “gigantic holy terror”. Matilda knew beyond 2 x 15. Listen as I read the extract from Matilda…

6 Using impressive language to describe.
Adjectives Adverbs Similes Metaphors Personification Hyperbole

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