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Measuring Precognition by Physiological Responses

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1 Measuring Precognition by Physiological Responses
Human Precognition Measuring Precognition by Physiological Responses Team Members: Dana Gauci, James Tardiff, Adam Zak Team Advisor: Dr. Kent Chamberlin 10/31/13 Projected Completion Date: May 2014

2 What is Precognition? “A foreknowledge of an event before it happens.”
In a more scientific term, a response to stimuli before it occurs. This particular experiment makes use of the “fight or flight” instinct.

3 Happy Halloween

4 Past Experiments Joseph Banks Rhine Duke University 1930’s
“Forced Choice” Asked to guess the order of a deck of cards

5 Past experiments Daryl Bem Cornell University 2005
A different approach to Forced Choice Hit Rate of 52.6%

6 Past experiments Dean Radin Dubbed this trend “Precognition”
Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities Dubbed this trend “Precognition” GSR responses compiled by Radin

7 How do we measure it? Physical, measurable, involuntary human responses Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Electrocardiograph (EKG) Electroencephalograph (EEG)

8 Project Goals Design and build measurement sensors
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensor EKG/EEG Sensor Test 50 or more subjects with multiple trials on each Preform in depth statistical analysis of results gathered Present the data in an articulate way that either confirms or denies the possible existence of precognition

9 GSR Circuit

10 EKG/EEG Circuit

11 Programming The A/D converter interfaces with Labview Signal Express
In order to maintain effective synchronization between stimuli and data aquisition, coding for image displaying was also written in Labview The Labview code selects a random image from the image bank on demand Each image is only used once due to “Precognitive Habituation”

12 The experiment process

13 Data Interpretation Utilizing past analysis methods
Expanding with different methodologies as we see fit Multiple physiological response considerations

14 Budget Item Cost Labview Software $60 Electronic Components ~$50
Total: $110

15 Timeline

16 Possible Outcomes and moving forward
Data analysis results that imply the existence of precognition Check for errors Publish findings and methods thoroughly Address criticisms Realize non-causal behaviors in nature Analysis results are inconclusive Seek possible error sources Accept that real world events are causal Utilize post stimulus response data for human reaction information

17 Reference Bem, Daryl J. “Precognitive Aversion.” Journal of Parapsychology 70.1 (2006): 4. Print. Radin, Dean I. "Chapter 10: Presentment." Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality. New York: Paraview Pocket, N. pag. Print. " "Changing The Paranormal Landscape ~ One Page At A Time!"" "Real Paranormal Phenomena" N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct


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