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L.O. I can take part in and play different circle games

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Presentation on theme: "L.O. I can take part in and play different circle games"— Presentation transcript:

1 L.O. I can take part in and play different circle games


3 You like sunshine, chocolate, reading, running, football, drawing, pizza…

4 In the Change Places game, we have been thinking about ourselves or what we call our identity.
Did you notice anything you have in common with someone else in our class? Did anyone notice anything different between you and someone else?

5 Do you think it is possible to find someone who is exactly the same as you?


7 What does the word visible mean? What does the word invisible mean?

8 We’re going to be play a little game
We’re going to be play a little game. Find a partner to sit with BUT this must be someone you don’t know as well in the class. See if you can find out the following things…

9 Visible similarities Things we have in common
Visible differences Things that are unique about us

10 Could you have played this game without talking to one another?
Was this easy? Why? Could you have played this game without talking to one another?

11 By playing this game, did you find out everything there is to know about your partner?
What could you do to find out more about your partner?

12 Invisible differences Things that are unique about us
Now work with your partner and see if you can find out the following: Invisible similarities Things we have in common Invisible differences Things that are unique about us

13 Did you find out anything that surprised you about your partner or anyone else in the class?


15 Face your partner, and get ready to count to 3
Face your partner, and get ready to count to 3! Partner one says 1, Partner two says 2 and Partner 1 says 3! Keep going until you are told to stop…

16 In a minute, we will play the game again, but first we need to get rid of the number 1… This time instead of saying 1, you will need to clap your hands instead. Keep going until you are told to stop…

17 Now, we are also going to get rid of the number 2
Now, we are also going to get rid of the number 2! This time instead of saying 2, you are stomp a foot! Keep going until you are told to stop…

18 Finally, we are going to get rid of the number 3
Finally, we are going to get rid of the number 3! This time instead of saying 3, you are going to make a big arc with your hands and make a big ‘whoosh!’ sound. Keep going until you are told to stop…

19 If you could choose your own actions, which actions (or sounds) would you choose to replace the numbers 1,2,3? Can you teach your version of the 1,2,3 game to another pair? Can you learn their version?

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