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Research Methods - Regulatory Knowledge and Support

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1 Research Methods - Regulatory Knowledge and Support
Alison Lakin, RN, LLB, LLM, PhD CCTSI Research Methods Core Director

2 CCTSI Organizational Structure

3 Regulatory One Stop Shop
Governance Amy Gannon AVC Finance incl. Grants & Contracts Regulatory One Stop Shop Joanne Rupprecht, JD Senior eIND Specialist

4 RKS Aims Aim 1: Develop a multidisciplinary Study Jump-Start Clinic to improve the design and analysis rigor and ensure that ethics and regulatory aspects are responsibly addressed in clinical and translational research. (Shared with BERD) Connect with Researchers at Pre- IND meeting, TIN consults, Perinatal Facilitation Committee Connect when BERD has protocol design consult Discussions with OGC to connect to Study Jump Start Clinic as soon as receive notice of award Marketing as part of One-Stop Shop resources

5 RKS Aims Aim 4: Promote an efficient, responsible and safe research environment across the lifespan of each study and facilitate improvements in the research enterprise to promote: Efficiency, Quality and Ethics Efficiency: All regulatory review timelines trending down Start-up may be impacted by OnCore implementation Greater transparency for research teams with Forte Insight

6 Aim 4: Efficiency: Start up Timelines
CTA Total Contract Terms Finalized SARC (Scientific Review) Beacon Epic hospital Total time to approval COMIRB (IRB) Dept Budget Approval Hospital review FY

7 Aim 4: Efficiency: Insight Tool – Activation Trends

8 Aim 4: Efficiency: Centralized One-Stop Shop for Regulatory Support
Regulatory Development FDA Assistance IND/IDE Application FDA Annual Reports Pre-Review Human Research Portal Pre-Review of Submissions Consent writing assistance Education Clinical Trials training courses Responsible Conduct of Research Post approval study start-up assistance Study Monitoring Audits by request from study team For cause audits Study monitoring Committee SUPPORT ACROSS THE LIFETIME OF A PROTOCOL

9 Aim 4: Efficiency: Participant Research Portal - Subject Information Portal (SIP)

10 Aim 4: Efficiency: Initiatives with the Hospital Affiliates
CHCO MSA (no sub-contracts) as of Spring 2018 Contracting office co-located with CU-AMC, UCHealth – language standardized Single portal and OnCore – live as of Sept. 2018 DHHA Single submission Portal as of January 2019 OnCore –Governance implementation plan approved to start early 2019 Denver VAMC Contracting – agreed template for Federal and Industry collaborations Renewing interconnectivity agreement OnCore planning negotiations beginning

11 Aim 4: Efficiency: IRB Common rule changes:
- Implemented the time saving components in July – one of only 4 institutions to do so. - As of December 1, 2018 – approved 800 protocols without an expiration – will monitor in OnCore instead Developed an abbreviated Secondary Use application form for data and samples. Since October: 7/1/17 - 7/20/18

12 Aim 4: Efficiency: SMART IRB
COMIRB acting as Central IRB: As of 11/28/18: 344 studies where COMIRB is lead IRB (mostly expedited research) 23 through Smart IRB Using external IRB: 247 ceded to WIRB 69 studies ceded to another IRB 14 through Smart IRB

13 Biospecimen Protocols Biospecimen Individuals
Aim 4: Quality: Clinical Trial Management System- now active at UCHealth, CU Anschutz & CHCO Current OnCore Data active in CTMS as of Dec. 1, 2018 UCH Metro UCH North UCH South CU-AMC only CHCO Other Total Count CTMS Protocols 3,235 168 106 123 675* 429 4,736 Biospecimen Protocols 72 3 75 Biospecimen Samples 396,366 4,268 Biospecimen Individuals 19,068 94 19,162 * Aggregate CIC protocols for reporting only

14 Aim 4: Quality: Resources for FDA Investigator Initiated Studies
e-IND – first submission successfully completed for product manufacturing at CU-AMC, holding IND and conducting clinical trial Training for PI, coordinators: Use of case report forms and system based monitoring in OnCore – being used for investigator initiated studies across UCHealth Generating new innovative tool for analyzing data going from AgileMD>EPIC>Compass>Eureka>Clinical Trial data capturing form – prototype is now being tested 2018 OnCore Trainings Date # Attendees Financial 217 Subject 576 Biospecimen 80 2018 ACRP PI Training Date # Attendees 6/29/2018 5 11/6/2018 4 2018 Coordinator ACRP CRC Boot Camp Date # Attendees 6/18/18 - 6/22/18 21 8/20/18 - 8/24/18 20 CRSC Trainings Date # Attendees 22 courses 1370 Consults 22

15 Aim 4: Quality: Recruitment Data
TriNetx – to assist with study design and feasibility CCTSI Study Monitoring Committee oversight expansion Expanded membership to include diverse expertise and experience Scope broaden to include CU-AMC protocols with IRB approval Tools: OnCore, Insight Use of Compass for recruitment across UCHealth – process approved by IRB CHCO registry for recruitment using Epic in development

16 Aim 4: Quality: OnCore Insight Recruitment Tool
Provides a list of protocols and indicates their level of recruitment based on original recruitment plan Data available to the Study Monitoring Committee

17 Aim 4: Ethics: Teaching/Training
Investigator Initial Research Ethics Consults Consults focused on Dep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for sleep in Parkinson’s patients and DBS for cocaine addiction. Teaching Research Ethics Session for all 1st year medical students and 23 facilitators Collaboration on RCR classes. CLSC 6260 – Conducting Clinical Trials for Investigators In-services for nursing staff in regulatory/ethical issues

18 Aim 5: Develop, adapt and disseminate innovative research tools using a regulatory science framework to promote competency Collaborative Goals with Dissemination, QPIP and Eval across cores: Design a centralized, systematic, efficient process and infrastructure for clinical trials recruitment in collaboration with resources such as ThreeWire Ensure the solution is designed for dissemination and sustainability by a) engaging study teams in the development, and b) establishing the value propositions and revenue generation model Engage the services and resources of multiple CCTSI programs and cores to demonstrate novel integrative use of CCTSI resources Actively disseminate the solution and methods for designing the solution across the CTSA network From Research team perspective From Participant’s perspective

19 Aim 5: Defining Success for Research Team
Investigator Enrollment Performance (by Quartile)

20 Aim 5: Recruitment Project
Overview and Timeline Step 1: Summer/Fall ’18 Step 2: Fall/Winter ’18-’19 Step 3: Spring/Summer ’19 Step 4: Beyond Designing for Dissemination Training Completed QPIP Develop logic model Define Tool Kit in progress I-Corps, Team Science Training Dissemination and Scale-Up (Cross CTSA) Evaluation

21 Aim 5: Dissemination 9th Annual Research Ethics Conference
Title: Risky Research: What Keeps You Awake at Night? October 25, 2018, 12-4pm 97 attendees including: students (9%), PRAs (23%), Faculty (20%), Staff (46%) Annual Hospital Wide Ethics Grand Rounds: Title: Appropriate Retention Strategies in Clinical Research: Where do we cross the line from retention to coercion? Presenters: John Heldens and Marilyn Coors

22 Aim 5: Dissemination DSMB Manual published May 23, 2018 on Tufts CTSA website (Barbara Hammack) Has had 1,408 page views since website launched Visitors spend an average of 3 minutes and 46 seconds on the page DSMB Training Videos under development based on the Manual Curriculum developed for videos follows chapter headings of manual Currently being determined: format, software, platform to post videos on, certification CCTSI involved primarily in developing videos for chapter 5 (data and safety review process) and chapter 6 (role of a study safety officer and study monitoring committees)

23 Research Methods Publications:
Aim 5: Dissemination Research Methods Publications: “The Emergency Medicine Specimen Bank: An Innovative Institutional Collaboration to Personalize Acute Care” - Acad Emerg Med Sep 21 Conducting Clinical Research in Post-Acute and Long-Term Nursing Home Care Settings: Regulatory Challenges – in collaboration with PACRATS – submitted to JAMDA Manuscript from prior investigator initiated research ethics consult: “Ethical duties when a statewide, anonymous student health survey finds high suicidality in a school” - submitted to: American Journal of Public Health

24 Questions for EAC How have you been able to ensure that research teams access resources at the appropriate point in the process? How else are you using the data in OnCore to improve the quality of research conducted at your institution?

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