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Warm-up What problems did the Manchu dynasty encountered during the 19th century? Who was selling opium to China? What is the difference between the Taiping.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What problems did the Manchu dynasty encountered during the 19th century? Who was selling opium to China? What is the difference between the Taiping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What problems did the Manchu dynasty encountered during the 19th century? Who was selling opium to China? What is the difference between the Taiping and the Boxer rebellions? 4/30/2019

2 No warm-up We’ll take some notes today.

3 Rise and Fall of the Qing Dynasty
Chapter 27 4/30/2019

4 Qing (Manchu) Dynasty 4/30/2019

5 How did Qing help peasants? What were the limitations….

6 Problems in China Civil Service Exams
Powerful Landlords and rural distress for peasants 4/30/2019

7 Trading with China… Would you rather wear…

8 Would your rather… 4/30/2019

9 British trade with China centered around opium.
The British imported opium from India to China in exchange for silk. Chinese silver was used to buy opium, and the Chinese government was fearful of a trade imbalance. China demanded that opium sales stop, but the British did not comply. This led to the Opium Wars. Opium dens, 1850 Chinese receiving opium from Patna, British India Multimedia Learning, LLC COPYRIGHT 2006 WRITTEN BY HERSCHEL SARNOFF & DANA BAGDASARIAN 4/30/2019

10 Opium- 4 million addicts pre-opium war
Opium dens, 1850 4/30/2019

11 Treaty of Nanjing China paid Britain’s war costs
Opened 5 ports to trade Extraterritoriality Britain received the island of Hong Kong Sometimes called the 1st of the Unequal treaties Western powers carved out spheres of influence (exclusive trading privileges) 4/30/2019

12 Empress Dowager Ci Xi The first opium war is fought between Britain and China. Empress CiXi (pictured above) lived through the Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Uprising. Empress Dowager Ci Xi worked with her government officials to fight against the British in the First Opium War, from 4/30/2019 Multimedia Learning, LLC COPYRIGHT 2006 WRITTEN BY HERSCHEL SARNOFF & DANA BAGDASARIAN

13 Asia was carved up after the Opium Wars
England annexed Hong Kong and Kowloon France took over Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) Russia moved into Chinese Turkistan and Manchuria Japan grabbed Taiwan and won dominance over Korea 4/30/2019

14 Open Door Policy Chinese trade is open to everyone on an equal basis
US Idea 4/30/2019

15 Chinese reaction to Imperialism
The Taiping Rebellion 1850 – 1864 Chinese peasants angry over poverty and corruption Destroyed Chinese economy Millions of deaths Put down with the help of westerners No other event devastated China as much in the 19th century as the Taiping (pronounced tie-ping) Rebellion ( ). It was sparked by the leadership of one man, Hong Xiuquan (pronounced shiou-chuan), from the south of China, who in 1847 failed the imperial examinations for the third time and was delirious for 30 days. When he recovered, he believed that he and his band of believers had been chosen to conquer China, destroy the demon Manchu rulers, and establish the Taiping Tianguo — the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Harmony. Gathering followers first from the poor and outcast, he and his recruits gradually built up an army and political organization that swept across China. They made their way to central China and by the late 1850s controlled over a third of the country. Their movement was so strong and so popular that it took the central government millions of dollars and fifteen years to defeat them. Not until 1864 was the rebellion brutally put down. It is estimated that the entire rebellion cost more than twenty million lives (twice that of World War I). Even by the 1950s, some parts of central China had not yet fully recovered from the destruction of the Taiping era. 4/30/2019

16 Chinese reform Chinese government resists modernization
Self strengthening movement-importing and updating technology 4/30/2019

17 Resistance to westernization: The Boxer Rebellion
Boxers Society of Harmonious Fists 1900 throw out the foreigners Death to foreign devils Growth of nationalism Failure Westerners send in 20,000 soldiers to put down the rebellion The U.S., Japan, Russia, Germany, Austria, France, and Great Britain sent troops to China to fight. 4/30/2019

18 Sun Yat- sen (Sun Yixian)
Revolution of 1911 1st president of Chinese republic Three Principles of Sun Yixian End foreign domination Form a representative government (democracy) Create economic security for all Chinese 4/30/2019


20 No warm-up Get out a black or blue pen and a couple sheets of notebook paper.

21 DBQ reminders Source 3 documents Mention 6 documents
Have one piece of outside info Read/analyze documents for 15 minutes, then start writing.

22 No warm-up You’ll have 20 minutes to finish the DBQ once the bell rings and I hand them all back.

23 Video Start at about 3:30 with part 1

24 By 1900… What is going on with Russia and Japan?
What was the Decembrist Uprising? What was the Crimean War? What does Russia sell to Europe and what are conditions like for the serfs?

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