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North American Forest Regions

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1 North American Forest Regions

2 Northern Hardwoods Forest

3 Region reaches from Southeastern Canada to New England to the northern Appalachian Mountains. It is populated by beech, maple, hemlock and birch trees

4 Northern Coniferous Forest

5 Softwoods, between Canada and the U. S. borders are soft and hardwoods
Softwoods, between Canada and the U.S. borders are soft and hardwoods. Region has swamps, rivers, lakes and marshes. The climate is cold, this is the largest forest in North America. Trees that dominate are evergreens and pulpwood trees. Species of importance include white spruce, Sitka spruce, black spruce, jack pine, black pine, tamarack and western hemlock

6 Central Broadleaved Forest

7 Located east of the Mississippi river, a farming region mostly owned by private entities. Wood of high quality is produced here, hardwoods such as maple, beech, hickory, oak, poplar, gum, walnut, cherry, ash, cottonwood and sycamore

8 Southern Forest

9 In the southeast portion of the United States (covers Delaware to Florida and Oklahoma to Texas) It is the forest with the most potential for reaching future lumber needs. Conifers are the most important trees in this forest, including Virginia, long leaf, loblolly, shortleaf and slash pines. Hardwoods included are Oak, Poplar, maple and walnut

10 Bottomland Hardwoods Forest

11 Found along the Mississippi River, contains mostly hardwood trees, the soil is highly fertile which hardwoods such as oak, tupelo and cypress thrive in

12 Rocky Mountain Forest

13 Much less productive than the other forests in North America
Much less productive than the other forests in North America. Western Pines are the trees of commercial value including western white pine, lodge pole pine and ponderosa pine. Aspen is the only hardwood grown in this area of commercial importance

14 Pacific Coast Forest

15 California, Oregon and Washington also the most productive forest in the United States. Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, hemlock, western red cedar, Sitka Spruce, sugar pine, and noble fir are some of the conifers found in this region. Important hardwoods are Oak, cottonwood, maple and alder

16 Tropical Forest

17 Located in Southern Texas and Florida
Located in Southern Texas and Florida. Major trees in this forest are Mahogany, mangrove and Bay which are all unimportant commercially, but ecologically important

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