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Reminder: Your attitude and behavior is your choice.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminder: Your attitude and behavior is your choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminder: Your attitude and behavior is your choice.
Behavior Reflection th/8th grade science Name: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Per: __________ Directions: Complete each section below with at least one sentence. 1. Honestly describe what happened and why you have been given this reflection form. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which classroom rule, safety rule and/or expectation was not followed? 3. Why did you choose to behave this way? 4. What should you have done differently and how will you behave in the future? 5. Why is it important to make sure the classroom rules, safety rules and expectations are being followed? Reminder: Your attitude and behavior is your choice. Student Signature: ____________________________ Teacher Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _____________________________ (If required)

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