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Review of Advice Services

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1 North Lanarkshire Council – Commissioning Model (External Advice Services)

2 Review of Advice Services
The purpose of the review was two-fold; Design a fit for purpose Information and Advice provision across North Lanarkshire Deliver efficiency savings as agreed as part of the Council’s ‘Budget Challenge’ The review sought the views of all internal benefit and advice providers as well as all ten externally funded third sector services on the following three options Outsourcing all advice services to the third sector; A mixed economy of both internal council services and third sector alternatives; and A wholly ‘in-house’ service provided by the council The mixed economy option was supported by the majority of all respondents to the review as the best option for future service delivery. In addition, the review recommended that externally provided Advice and Information services could best be provided in future by adopting a commissioning model that would provide a standardised service to all NLC residents who may choose not to use council services. The review also recommended the re-branding and design of North Lanarkshire Information and Advice Forum (NLIAF) to form a new North Lanarkshire Advice Network (NLAN).

3 Commissioning Services based on?
Locality Need/Demand SIMD information for localities Child Poverty Levels for localities Information gathered from the Review Community Planning Partners Priorities of North Lanarkshire Council and Health & Social Care Service

4 Commissioning Options
Procurement Single Agency - Pan Lanarkshire 2 Agencies - North and South Areas Competitive Grant Funding (* Preferred Option) Mix Economy in the 6 Localities within NLC (1 Council and 1 External Service per Locality)

5 Steps and the New Model Steps Short Life Working Group (established)
Design model for ‘fit for the future’ external advice provision Application Process (Form and Guidance) Scoring Matrix (Assessment and Guidance) Assessors Meeting/Scoring Committee Decision Successful 3 Years Commissioning Agreements (Locality profiles and Funding Agreements) Unsuccessful Applicants (Alternative Funding options and Exit Strategies) New Model Timeframe - New Model started 2018/19 Quarterly Reports Monitoring, Audits and Reporting (Internal/Link Officers) NLAN Partnership Agreement Strategic Approach to Funding

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