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Worksheet While listening to, and observing the PowerPoint, follow along with your guided notes worksheet. These notes will help you with all of our writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Worksheet While listening to, and observing the PowerPoint, follow along with your guided notes worksheet. These notes will help you with all of our writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worksheet While listening to, and observing the PowerPoint, follow along with your guided notes worksheet. These notes will help you with all of our writing assignments to come. BE THOROUGH!!

2 Writing Strong Thesis Statements
Parts of a Thesis: Narrower Title & Author Stance 3 Prongs The “road map” of the paper that lets the reader know the argument. What are you trying to prove?

3 Narrower “Although” or “Despite” words and phrases
ex: Although there are many characters

4   Title & Author Titles are always underlined or italicized; place a comma after the title ex: in Stephanie Meyer’s novel Twilight,

5 Stance The argument/your position
ex: the most important character is Bella,

6 3 Prongs Three statements that link to the three body paragraphs
ex: because she crosses boundaries and spends time with the Cullen family, she drives the action of the story, and she is desired by many characters including Edward and Jacob.

7   Thesis Statement Although there are many characters in Stephanie Meyer’s novel Twilight, the most important character is Bella, because she crosses boundaries and spends time with the Cullen family, she drives the action of the story, and she is desired by many characters including Edward and Jacob.

8 Write your own thesis statements!!
On the back of your handout, use the boxes to create your own thesis statements using your responses from the “would you rather?” activity.

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