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Illustrated Dictionary

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1 Illustrated Dictionary
Write down vocabulary terms from this unit. Use your notes to define the terms (in your own words). Next, draw a symbol to help you remember the definition of each word. Time Capsule Design a time capsule on your paper. Inside, draw items that would help someone in the future learn about this unit. On the back, summarize the importance of the items. Magazine Cover Design a magazine cover that depicts a historical event from this unit. Include a catchy title and a colorful illustration. History Storyboard Fold a piece of paper into 8 different sections. Design 8 frames to depict the historical event(s) from this unit. Color your storyboard! Group Quiz Write review questions about this unit. When your group members are finished, quiz them. Be sure to write their answers on the back of your paper. You Are There Write a series of journal entries as if you were a person living through the historical events from this unit.

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