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& Being a Clinical Lead In It

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1 & Being a Clinical Lead In It
Sexual health & Being a Clinical Lead In It

2 Difficulties as sexual health clinical lead
No definition of sexual health No job description No ‘champion’ in PCT management No lead practice nurse No clear lines of accountability Meetings frequently cancelled My many competing commitments

3 Scope of ‘sexual health’
Sexually transmitted diseases HIV/AIDS - and others Prevention - mostly not a clinical area Treatment - primary care or GUM? Contraception Teenage pregnancy strategy? Termination of pregnancy services? Psychosexual problems/erectile dysfunction etc???

4 National guidance, targets, strategies
Look at good practice elsewhere Bradford-wide strategies How to improve sexual health in NBPCT? Liaison, with Public Health, F/P, GUM Training for Primary Care Staff Liaison with PCT groups with overlapping remit eg young people Map existing provision in PCT

5 National guidance, targets, strategies
National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV 2001 Provisions of new GMS contract for levels of service in Sexual Health Teenage pregnancy strategy

6 Sexual Health Implementation Group (Bradford wide)
All PCTs Health Promotion Social Services Voluntary Sector Education

7 Liaison with Public Health, FP services, GUM, microbiology (Bradford wide)
GUM monitoring group (no longer meeting) Proposed clinical sexual health group (not met yet)

8 Existing PCT provision
Most contraception now practice based Much FP work by practice nurses TOP contract with Lilac clinic inadequate Shipley Young People’s Health project STDs - partly primary care, partly GUM clinic Variation between practices and probably within practices

9 Overlap with other PCT activities
Young people’s health group Cervical smear targets Commissioning for TOPs ? Mental health (psychosexual) ? Urology (erectile dysfunction)

10 Training for primary care staff
Identify needs of each group of staff Identify areas of training needed E g organising user friendly services, diagnosis of STDs, referral, treatment, contact tracing Provide training, e g at PLTs

11 Look at good practice elsewhere
Why reinvent the wheel?

12 What we need now GP lead with time, energy and commitment
Practice nurse lead with time, energy and commitment PCT manager with clear remit to support clinical leads

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