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Application: Anger management

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1 Application: Anger management
The rationale behind treating anger is that anger is the cause of the violent crime. We all understand what it is like to be angry However, Novaco (1975) suggests that some violent offences occur when offenders express anger in antisocial way towards inappropriate targets If offenders learn to control or manage anger, this should lead to decrease in violent behaviour – both in and out of prison THIS IS THE APPLICATION

2 Application: Anger management
AM programmes are based on cognitive behavioural model of treatment Group or individual sessions Aim is to teach individual to recognise feelings of anger, control angry behaviour, and resolve conflict in positive way

3 Application: Anger management
3 stages Stage 1: Cognitive preparation Offender must learn to identify situations which trigger anger outbursts EG. Being humiliated or ignored Taught to be mindful of internal cues when starting to feel angry EG. Increased breathing, muscle tensing, heart rate

4 Application: Anger management
Stage 2: Skill acquisition Offenders learn different relaxation techniques to use when they have identified anger-provoking situations These can include: Regulating breathing, slowly counting to ten, removing themselves from situation (if possible)

5 Application: Anger management
Stage 3: Application practice Role play which allows offenders to practice in a controlled, non-threatening environment such as during therapy End result of programme is to practice techniques until they become natural, automatic Reponses which replace violent responses

6 Application: Anger management
Does it work?? YES DiGiuseppe & Tafrate (2003) reduces instances of violence and self-reported feelings of anger Feindler et al (1994) it leads to improved self-control, improved problem-solving and reducing in offending amongst young men

7 Application: Anger management
Does it work?? NO Some violent offenses aren’t motivated by anger, but in order to achieve goals. (EG Psychopathic offenders). These individuals will not benefit from AM Rice (1997) psychopaths given anger management or social skills training showed increased rates of reoffending because skills and confidence gained from programme made them more manipulative

8 Application: Anger management
Does it work?? NO Effectiveness of any programme is low when individuals motivation to participate is low (EG. when participation is compulsory). Court ordered AM may be seen as helpful to gain parole, but not as benefit to self Heseltine (2010) found positive correlation between offender readiness of participant and successful programme outcomes

9 Application: Anger management
Does it work?? However… Ireland (2000) conducted a natural experiment Compared 50 prisoners who had completed CALM to a control group of 37 men Used self-report methods to assess effectiveness of AM and observations from prison officers Prisoners (who had completed CALMS) rated selves as less angry (prison officers agreed). 92% of CALM offenders showed improvement on at least one ‘angry behaviour’ measure, which suggests programme has short term effectiveness However, 8% deteriorated which supports ideas that some groups of offenders are unlikely to benefit from the programme

10 Link to debates Usefulness of research Individual and situational
Reductionism and holism

11 Evaluate the topic Page 182

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