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Progress on FY-3 IR GSICS inter-calibration system

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1 Progress on FY-3 IR GSICS inter-calibration system
Na Xu, Hanlie Xu, Xiuqing Hu,

2 Outline Brief introduction of FY-3 IR GSICS system IR Bias monitoring and correction of FY-3 Future Prospects

3 Current Status of FY-3 IR GSICS
Monitor Sensor Reference Collocation & Correction Products(Under building) Graphic Products (Under building) FY-3A&B/ MERSI&VIRR Metop/IASI (Op.) AQUA/AIRS (Op.) NPP/CrIS (Demo) Collocation Samples Inter-calibration Coefficients NRTC and RAC in txt (Plan to generate the GSICS standard format) Monthly Regression (RAD~RAD and TBB~TBB) Monthly Scatter of TBB Bias Time Sequence of TBB Bias FY-3C/MERSI &VIRR&IRAS NPP/CrIS (Op.) SNO prediction results of FY-3C vs. NPP, and FY-3C vs. Metop-A on March 18,2017 FY-3C vs. NPP FY-3C vs. Metop-A Track prediction system could provide after 14 days SNO prediction results; The reference satellites included NPP, METOP-A, METOP-B, AQUA, TERRA,OCO, GOSAT… The monitor satellites included FY-3, Tansat and other Chinese satellites

4 IR Calibration Bias of FY-3
Based on LEO-LEO SNO intercalibration method, IR calibration biases of FY-3A&B VIRR and MERSI are assessed Spatial distributions of cross points FY-3B~METOP-A Collocation criteria: Observation time difference < 300s Spacial Distance <1km geometry difference |cos(FY_zen)/cos(REF_zen)-1| <1% Environment uniformity check RSTD (FY3 in ENV_BOX) < 0.005 Temporal distributions of cross points

5 Time series of TBB biases for FY-3 VIRR Window channels vs IASI/CrIS
GSICS Contributions to FY-3 IR calibration FY3A: seasonal oscillation;biases between channels a disagreement FY3B: bias<1 K; less seasonal oscillation Intercalibration can reveal the variation of calibration bias , and improve OBC based on parameters modification FY3C: bias0.5 K; less seasonal oscillation ; more agreement of biases between channels Time series of TBB biases for FY-3 VIRR Window channels vs IASI/CrIS

6 Long-term Calibration Tracking FY-3C
Using NPP.CrIS and Metop-A/IASI as reference sensors, the FY-3 GSICS realized long-term calibration tracking of MERSI and VIRR. FY-3C/MERSI FY-3C/VIRR

7 Future Prospects Completing Correction Products of FY-3/VIRR (according to GSICS standard format and products of FY-2); Completing the graphic products on FY-3 IR GSICS website; Adding new inter-calibration techniques in FY-3 IR GSICS system, e.g., accurate collocation, collocation between two high spatial resolution. FY-3D/HIRAS vs. FY-3D/MERSI II FY-3D/HIRAS vs. Metop/IASI & NPP/CrIS Using accurate collocation of two sensors on the same platform; Considering HIRAS’s FOV projection on the earth; Spatial transformation and collocation of two high spatial resolution sensor’s measurements ;

8 Thanks for your attention!

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