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Unit 2: Cryptography & Cryptographic Algorithm

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1 Unit 2: Cryptography & Cryptographic Algorithm
-For BIM (5th Sem, CSCL)

2 Cryptography: Introduction
Greek word: Hidden Secret Study differs now and past past : encryption and decryption now: past + digital signature + authentication + key mgmt + cryptanalysis The art or science encompassing the principles and methods of transforming an intelligible message into one that is unintelligible, and then retransforming that message back to its original form

3 Some terms Plain text Cypher text: Key Encryption Decryption Cypher
Cryptoanalysis Attack

4 Cryptography: Formal Definition
- is a 5-tuple (E, D, M, K, C) Encryption: E:M X KC AKA enciphering function Decryption: D:C X K  P AKA deciphering function

5 Attack Process to reveal cipher text with key (or even reveal key)
Types: Cipher Text Only Known Plain text Chosen Plain text Good Cryptosystem protects against all these attacks

6 Types: Symmetric Vs Asymetric Stream Vs Block
Private key vs Public key Transposition vs Substitution

7 Some Classical cryptosystem
Substitution Cipher Transpostion Cipher Caesar Cipher Vigenere Cipher Vernam Cipher One Pad

8 Modern Crypto-system DES RSA Message Digest Hash Function MAC

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