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ISO & DSLR Photography.

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1 ISO & DSLR Photography

2 ISO = International Standards Organization,
ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. ISO = International Standards Organization, It is a standardized industry scale for measuring sensitivity to light. This can be used in relation to how sensitive camera film is to light, but more commonly today, it pertains to the sensitivity of a digital image sensor. ISO is 1 of the 3 factors (exposure triangle) that affects your photo’s exposure



5 ISO 100 and lower - Excellent quality for brightly lit places, such as in bright sunlight outside. Allows for lots of detail and great image quality. ISO Should be generally be used on dull days such as overcast and cloudy, only a tiny bit of noise. ISO Great for indoor photography for flash and no flash – best use for high speed photography – but noise can be seen. ISO 800+ Extremely low-lit, dim/dark scenes. Prone to a lot of noise in images.

6 ISO w/ Bright Scenes

7 ISO & Dim Lighting

8 Disadvantage of High ISO – Creating Noise (Little White Dots)
If we are using very high ISO such as ISO3200 during indoor or night, it helps to increase shutter speed, however the picture quality will be affected because of the noise even though there is noise reduction function in the camera. Hence, ISO value shouldn’t exceed ISO1600 under active noise reduction function.


10 Please note that light painting or car trail photography use lowest ISO in order to create long exposure (slow shutter speed) to capture the long moment and star effect from the light.

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