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The Cold War 1945-1991 Lecture~1 Objective~ Understand why the U.S. and the U.S.S.R opposed each other during the Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War 1945-1991 Lecture~1 Objective~ Understand why the U.S. and the U.S.S.R opposed each other during the Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War Lecture~1 Objective~ Understand why the U.S. and the U.S.S.R opposed each other during the Cold War

2 The rise of the superpowers
United States Soviet Union Democracy (Capitalist) Communism Unify Germany Keep Germany Divided Before WW2 there were a number of countries which could have claimed to be superpowers – USA, USSR,GB, France, Japan, Germany. two countries w/the military strength & resources to be called

3 1945 Yalta Conference Free elections in Eastern Europe
Stalin ignored this & made them satellite nations Protection Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechs, Romania, Poland, & Yugoslavia from western invasion

4 Iron Curtain – Winston Churchill: separation of Communist countries of Eastern Europe from the Capitalist countries of Western Europe

5 Policy of Containment *End of “isolationism”
Stop the spread of communism The Truman Doctrine 1947 US was prepared to intervene throughout the world to fight communism… *End of “isolationism” Lending equipment, advice, & military force

6 $$The Marshall Plan $$ 1948 Aided European nations w/ 12.5 billion
Rebuild the economy Fight communism Stalin hated Marshall Aid!! Eastern European countries couldn't touch $$$ West Berlin/Greece/Turkey/China/ Korea/Vietnam 17 billion dollars Goods made by American firms

7 Rival Alliances 1949-(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) NATO: defensive military alliance to fight communism 1955-(Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) SEATO 1955- Warsaw Pact: (USSR) protect/control communist countries of eastern Europe Warsaw Pact~ 8 countriesstabilize aggression in Korea & Indochina (fight off communism) NATO:US & 16 other countries)

8 The Cold War Unfolds P

9 Questions Write out questions & Answers at end of Lecture notes
How did Stalin ignore the Yalta Conference? Name 3 satellite countries. Explain the Iron Curtain? Who came up with this? Explain the Truman Doctrine? What countries did not benefit from the Marshall Plan? What is the purpose of NATO & SEATO?

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