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Bully Prevention: Part III

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1 Bully Prevention: Part III
What to do about Gossiping… Let’s put an end to bullying now!

2 Current Expectations- for review
Highlight our school’s three rules: RESPECT SELF, OTHERS, AND SCHOOL

3 Review of Lesson One Say “STOP” and use the hand signal
If that doesn’t work, “WALK” away If that doesn’t work, “TALK” to an adult

4 Student Matrix- review Respecting Others
Remind students that this is their guide to knowing what to do in and around the school

5 What do the expectations have to do with gossiping?
Being Respectful means saying only nice things about other students Being Kind means encouraging others and making them feel good even when they are not present

6 What do the expectations have to do with gossiping?
That means NOT: Telling a negative story about someone else, regardless of whether or not it is true Sharing secrets that someone told you Blaming negative behavior on someone else

7 Review the Social Responsibility Skills (Stop/Walk/Talk)
Say “STOP” and use the hand signal If that doesn’t work, “WALK” away If that doesn’t work, “TALK” to an adult

8 Think, Pair, Share How can Stop/Walk/Talk be used when someone says something disrespectful about another student? Often, the target of gossip will not hear the negative remark, so it is important for others that DO hear the remark to say “STOP” Sometimes this means saying stop to your friends, which can be very difficult

9 Practice Time (5 minutes)
Your teacher will divide you up into groups of 2 Practice using the “STOP” signal with each other when the other person says something unkind or disrespectful about another person (DO NOT USE ANYONE’S REAL NAME , for example, you could use the names of the Snow White 7 dwarfs) Possible scenarios to act out: Student A says something about Sneezy’s hair Student B says something rude about Doc’s shoes

10 Practice Time (Part II, 5 minutes)
Bring the class back together and discuss questions and comments that arose during practice Now we need groups of 3 (one cafeteria supervisor, one instigator of gossip, and one bystander) Instruct the students to practice the entire Stop/Walk/Talk sequence to be used with gossip, how to reply when someone uses the “stop” signal with you, and how adults will respond to reports of gossip (on next 2 pages)

11 Responding to “Stop, Walk, Talk”
If you are doing something and someone uses “stop”, “walk”, or “talk” your response should be: 1. Stop what you are doing 2. Take a deep breath and count to 3 3.Go on with your day

12 Adult responses When you report a problem to an adult, they will:
Thank you for coming to talk to them Ask you what the problem is Ask if you said “stop” Ask if you “walked away” calmly Practice Stop/Walk/Talk with you if needed Appropriate can be: Johnny pokes Sally in the back over and over, Susue teases Sally and calls her names, Joey tackles Sam whle playing two-hand touch football, Sam steals the ball away from Fred when they are not playing a game that involves stealing Inappropriate use examples: Johnny accidentally breaks double dribble rule in basketball, Kelly makes a suggestion for a game that Fred does not liked, Sam steals a ball away from Fred when they are playing basketball, Sally continues to poke Susie in line even after Susie has delivered the stop signal

13 Stop – Walk – Talk Method Review Dipsticking:
How should you respond in situations that involve gossiping? Reward students displaying active participation and Appropriate behavior (Bulldog Bucks?)

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