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Subject: Language Arts!

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2 Subject: Language Arts!
Name: Ms. Brown Subject: Language Arts! Some Interesting things about me: I have 3 wonderful cats, was born on a Navel Base, went to college at Southwestern College (ASC) and my masters is from Grand Canyon University. Oh, and I LOVE Teaching! I am looking forward to a great year!

3 Work will be kept in this notebook during the school year.
Each student will need an ISN (interactive student notebook) for Language Arts this year. This needs to be a 5 Subject Notebook. One section for each quarter and the last for vocabulary work. Everyday the students will get out this notebook and start their bell work. Work will be kept in this notebook during the school year.

4 Each class has a Systems (PDSA) board where we will keep track of progress as a class. Scores will be posted on these boards. I encourage students to be their own person. In a effort to make this possible, we will be doing group work often on projects and activities. I expect all students to follow both school and classroom rules.

5 Language Arts is changing
Language Arts is changing. We are working towards meeting the Common Core Standards. This means that the work is going to be more challenging than ever before as these standards require a much higher level of thinking and reasoning During the year I will be looking for three things: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking (incorporated into everything!

6 Each unit of study will focus on one of three areas: Research, Literary Analysis, and Narrative. Stories and Essays will help us increase our understanding of these topics. You should also bring a free reading book to school just in case you finish early. This can be a book, nook, iPad, or anything else that you can actually read! Not Just pictures!

7 We are going to be working on writing micro themes this school year
We are going to be working on writing micro themes this school year. These are sort essays that follow the research model call “ACE.” In addition, students will write several full essays during the school year: Persuasive, Research, and Literary Analysis.

8 Please make sure these are
Each week students will be given a homework packet on Monday. These will be collected on Thursday. They will include vocabulary words for the week and two reading passages that go with our unit theme. Please make sure these are completed each week!

9 Along with the homework vocabulary comes weekly quizzes
Along with the homework vocabulary comes weekly quizzes. These will be given on Friday at the start of class. In the event that we have a half day schedule that does not allow for this quiz, it will be given on Thursday at the end of class. Vocabulary will be graded in class on Thursday of each week to ensure all students understand the weeks words. Students are required to take the Quiz even if they did not grade on Thursday.

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