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10 minutes of new vocabulary covering Pygmalion: Preface and Act I

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Presentation on theme: "10 minutes of new vocabulary covering Pygmalion: Preface and Act I "— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now
10 minutes of new vocabulary covering Pygmalion: Preface and Act I Current Events are due today!!!!! I will pull the results from the Google form at the end of the school day. Any current events received after 3:45 p.m. will be not be graded for this week. Please stop completing several at one time because you are behind. I am NOT using those as make-up grades. I will, however, use them for future current event grades.

2 Discuss and Submit Read and then answer the following question carefully on the discussion board. You must give a detailed answer and respond (THOROUGHLY) to at least one person’s response. “Can an obsession ever be a good thing? If so, under what circumstances? If not, explain why.”

3 Introduction to Pygmalion
Examining the Distant Past to Better Understand the More Recent Past.

4 Agenda Today we will look at the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion. You will create a comic strip interpreting this ancient Greek myth. You will answer questions regarding the myth.

5 The Myth of Galatea Open up the “Pygmalion Myth” document on the blog or on the HUB. Read it.

6 Pair Work (via and ) You may work alone if you choose to, but you will still be responsible for turning in both assignments on time. After you read the myth, go to One person will create an account. Create a comic strip illustrating the myth that you just read. Screenshot/snip to your computer or publish and share your comic and it to me at If you have a partner, make sure both names are present. Move on to your comprehension questions as soon as you submit your cartoon. Both are due today. You have plenty of time. Need an example? See the comic I created on the next slide!

7 You have complete creative control with your characters, backgrounds, props, etc. Just make sure you stick with the storyline! Use your time wisely. Your comprehension questions are also due before the bell rings.

8 Individual Assignment (via turnitin
Individual Assignment (via Everyone will submit their own work. Open the “Pygmalion Myth Questions” document. Answer and submit before the bell rings.

9 Homework Current Events
Work on your cycle 5 projects due Friday, March 25th!!!!!!!!!!!

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