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On coordination of stratified Pareto ps and simple random samples

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1 On coordination of stratified Pareto ps and simple random samples
Annika Lindblom Alex Teterukovsky Statistics Sweden

2 The paper focuses on: Presentation of the sampling designs in the SAMU: stratified SRS and Pareto ps Sample co-ordination, in particular the implementation of Pareto ps design Overlap between ps and SRS samples: - theoretical findings for SRS - empirical findings based on surveys in practice

3 The SAMU A system for co-ordination of frame populations and samples from the Business Register at Statistics Sweden since 1972 Three main objectives: - obtain comparable statistics - ensure high precision in estimates of change over time - spread the response burden NR behöver jämförbar statistik samma ram population ”frozen” BR

4 Inclusion probabilities
Frame population divided into H disjoint strata Uh, h = 1,..H, where Uh contains Nh units. A sample of fixed size nh from each Uh is to be drawn. Inclusion probabilities are: Stratified SRS: same for all units within a stratum Alla företag är lika inom ett stratum i OSU (Pareto) ps: unique for each unit, xk size measure for unit k

5 Permanent random numbers
To each unit k in the Business Register a permanent random number uk uniformly distributed over the interval (0,1), is attached For SRS we choose the starting point and the direction, and sample the necessary number of units: Different blocks

6 Pareto ps sampling procedure
Compute the desired inclusion probabilities within each stratum If k>1 then unit is sampled with probability 1 For other units calculate the ranking variable: The sample consists of the units with the nh smallest q-values within stratum h Lambda nästan lika pi

7 Pareto and starting points
Random number transformation is necessary. The objective of the transformation is to select the nh units with the smallest q-values within a stratum h independently of what starting point S is chosen. Transform uk into zk as follows. Sampling direction right: Sampling direction left: Rotating the circle Same distribution

8 Coordination and overlap
Theoretical. SRS/SRS. Empirical. SRS/SRS. Empirical. Pareto/Pareto. Empirical. SRS/Pareto. Same surveys. Empirical. SRS/Pareto. Different surveys. Empirical. SRS/SRS and Pareto/Pareto over time.

9 Theoretical overlap. SRS/SRS.
Coordinate 2 equal SRS samples (h is stratum): sample sizes nh frame population Nh completely enumerated units mh What is the expected overlap for all a’s and b’s? GEOMETRY!

10 Theoretical overlap. SRS/SRS.
Type Condition Expected overlap Ia b-a<Rh<1-(b-a) nh –(b-a)(Nh-mh) IIa 1-(b-a)<Rh<b-a nh + (b-a-1)(Nh-mh) IIIa max(b-a, 1-(b-a))<Rh 2nh - Nh IVa Rh<min(b-a,1-(b-a)) mh Rh=

11 Theoretical overlap. SRS/SRS.
Type Condition Expected overlap Ib 0.5(b-a)<Rh<b-a 2nh –(b-a)Nh-(1-b+a)mh IIb b-a < Rh < 0.5(1+(b-a)) mh+(b-a)(Nh-mh) IIIb max(b-a, 0.5(1+(b-a)))<Rh 2nh - Nh IVb Rh<0.5(b-a) mh

12 Empirical overlap. SRS/SRS.
Wages and salaries, private sector (stratified after #employees) N= SRS: completely enumerated (23% of the sample) n = 7 497 SAMU block Actual Expected Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 2 258 30 1.0 Left 3 111 41 3 103 0.2 2 613 35 2 616 0.7 2 956 39 2 927 Turnover in retail trade (stratified after the turnover) N= SRS: 246 completely enumerated (10 % of the sample) n = 2 405 SAMU block Actual Expected Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 444 18 1.0 Left 657 27 639 0.2 549 23 521 22 0.7 611 25 606

13 Empirical overlap. Pareto/Pareto.
Wages and salaries, private sector (stratified after #employees) N= Pareto: completely enumerated SRS: completely enumerated n = 7 497 SAMU block Pareto SRS Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 2 265 30 2 258 1.0 Left 3 005 40 3 111 41 0.2 2 594 35 2 613 0.7 2 814 38 2 956 39 2 299 31 Turnover in retail trade (stratified after the turnover) N= Pareto: 287 completely enumerated SRS: 246 completely enumerated n = 2 405 SAMU block Pareto SRS Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 466 19 444 18 1.0 Left 705 29 657 27 0.2 566 24 549 23 0.7 613 25 611 461

14 Empirical overlap. SRS/Pareto. Same surveys.
Use of Information and Communication in Enterprises (stratified after #employees) N= 29 124 SRS: completely enumerated Pareto: 1 116 completely enumerated n = 4 355 SAMU block Overlap SRS/Pareto Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 3 593 83 0.2 3 595 0.7 Left 3 605 3 601 1.0 3 559 82 Stock of goods in the Wholesale and Retail Trade (optimally stratified after the turnover) N= 9 322 SRS: 382 completely enumerated Pareto: 402 completely enumerated n = 1 753 SAMU block Overlap SRS/Pareto Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 1 418 81 0.2 1 406 80 0.7 Left 1 397 1 383 79 1.0 1 405

15 Empirical overlap. SRS/Pareto. Different surveys.
Overlap between two different surveys (Inf and Sto) placed in different blocks N (Inf) = 29 124 N (Sto) = 9 322 Completely enumerated SRS(Inf): 1 214 Pareto(Inf) : 1 116 SRS(Sto): 382 Pareto(Sto): 402 n (Inf) = 4 355 n (Sto) = 1 753 SAMU block Pareto SRS Survey Start Direction Units % Inf 0.0 Right 241 14 200 11 Sto 1.0 Left 359 21 348 20 0.2 263 15 215 12 0.7 275 16 244 235 13 188 Overlap between two different surveys (Inf and Sto) placed in different blocks N (Inf) = 29 124 N (Sto) = 9 322 Completely enumerated SRS(Inf): 1 214 Pareto(Inf) : 1 116 SRS(Sto): 382 Pareto(Sto): 402 n (Inf) = 4 355 n (Sto) = 1 753 SAMU block Pareto SRS Survey Start Direction Units % Sto 0.0 Right 222 13 177 10 Inf 1.0 Left 250 14 202 12 0.2 290 17 284 16 0.7 262 15 214 240 196 11 Rader, kolumner, tabeller (nämna)

16 Empirical. Overlap over time.
Use of Information and Communication in Enterprises (stratified after #employees) SAMU block Pareto SRS Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 3 560 82 3 428 79 0.2 3 564 3 432 0.7 Left 3 584 3 483 80 3 590 3 455 1.0 3 553 3 411 78 Stock of goods in the Wholesale and Retail Trade (optimally stratified after the turnover) SAMU block Pareto SRS Start Direction Units % 0.0 Right 1 352 77 1 305 74 0.2 1 322 75 1 288 0.7 Left 1 337 76 1 313 1 342 1 327 1.0 1 316 1 310 Fasta gränser i INF, optimala gränser i STO och SRS blir mer lika Pareto (hopp in hopp ut effekten)

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