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BURs elaboration process in Chile
Jenny Mager S. Division of Climate Change Ministry of Environment Copenhanguen, Denmark 19/04/2017
Brief context of Chile Despite representing only 0.25% of global GHG emissions, Chile is highly vulnerable to Climate Change Developing country with increasing GHG emissions According to economic assessments, the effects of Climate Change could cost 1.1% of National GDP annually Chile presents its voluntary mitigation commitment (COP15, Copenhague) Ratification of the voluntary commitment MAPS-Chile Proyect begins: Key information for decision making process 2009 2010 2012 2014 2015 Public consultation of the INDC and Submission of the 1st BUR 2016 Public consultation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change; 2nd BUR President Bachelet announces the Chile’s INDC in the UN general Assembly Ratification of the Paris Agreement and publication of the PANCC (next) 2017
Information on Chile’s climate action
Chile has submitted 5 National reports to de UNFCCC After COP16 and COP 17. Chile established new institutional arrangement in order to meet the requierements (voluntary basis). Chile was the First Latin American Country to submitted first and second BURs on time.
BUR elaboration arrangements and process
UNFCCC secretariat Agriculture Salud Energy Council of Ministers for Sustainability and Climate Change Transport Division of Climate Change, MMA Public Works Division of Climate Change Ministry of Environment Economy Coordination and Report Preparation Foreing affairs National Inventory System Housing Finance Mining Technical focal points from sectoral ministries
Chile’s BUR and ICA Cycle
December 2014 Submission of 1st BUR May 2015 Technical analysis December 2015 Technical report May 2016 FSV November 2016 Submission of 2nd BUR May 2017 Sectoral Inventories Update Info. gathering on progress of Policies
Information on International and domestic MRV…
MRV of Country’s Emission MRV of Action MRV of Support received
Energy and AFOLU sectors have defined the national mitigation policy
National Inventory Chile’s National inventory: emissions and sinks (Gg CO2 eq) by sector, Energy and AFOLU sectors have defined the national mitigation policy
Mitigation actions and their effects
Needs and Support received
2nd BUR presents new relevant information regarding gaps and needs: Information on needs and barriers identified by the private sector Information on the status of the capacity building needs identified in the first ICA process
Elements for the improvement of the BUR
Chapter teams addressed different recommendation and needs as part of the QA/QC process GHG Inventory Need for improvement identified by the country Recommendations from voluntary review by International experts TTE recomendation from the ICA process Mitigation actions
some examples: ICA-TTE status Explanation
51. The BUR provides information on NAMAs in a tabular format. In addition, the BUR includes a description of other related sectoral measures that have been initiated or are planned, including actions by the private sector, in a more limited tabular format. These other measures, many of which have been implemented, include educational programmes, regulations and programmes that will support the implementation of future mitigation actions, including identified NAMAs. Chile, noted in comments to the TTE, that there is a lack of information on the progress of the implementation for all the actions identified, but that it is working to gather this information and intends to report in its next BUR. Mostly implemented Information on progress in the implementation has been gathered to the extent as possible 34. Chile reported information on anthropogenic emissions by sources of HFCs and PFCs. However, information on SF6 was not reported. In providing its feedback to the TTE on the draft summary report, Chile indicated that it is working to improve data collection for SF6, and expects to include this information in its subsequent BUR. implemented Emission of SF6 has been included for the first time in the second BUR
Challenges and barriers for the BUR 1 and 2
Some examples of 1st BUR Challenge/Barrier Explanation To set up a National inventory system and work with the lastest IPCC methodologies We set up the SNI-Chile back in 2012 and the updating cycle for the first BUR started in 2013 We received technical support and training from IPCC and LECB To understand the scope of the guidelines and agree common definitions for mitigation actions and support received Chile used as example the reporting guidelines for NATCOM for annex I countries, especially to undersatnd how to report mitigation actions. We agree to work with a common understanding of what is finantial support, technology transfer and capacity building to organize the reporting of chapter 4
Challenges and barriers for the BUR 1 and 2
Some examples of 2nd BUR Challenge/Barrier Explanation To include information on SF6 and improve information in some specific categories related to private sector (eg. Cement production) After first BUR was easier to approach to the private sector to ask for information for the improvement of the estimations To include better information related to the progress of mitigation actions (policies) and calculate the impact to extend as possible We received important support to train our technical focal points in key aspects like indicators, baselines, and MRV systems. We developed and MRV framework for mitigation actions in order to standardize the information from the sectors
Regional cooperation: REDINGEI Introduction and background
Some of the biggest gaps that LAC countries face in updating their NatComs and BURs are related to the development of NGI and to the challenges of maintaining stable NIS over time. Main challenges deal with having adequate institutional arrangements and counting with the creation and maintenance of sustainable technical capacities in order to inform/support domestic policy on climate change. To overcome these gaps, the GSP is willing to strengthen South-South cooperation, through the support to the formalization and strengthening of the Latin American Network on NGI (RedINGEI), which was initially established by the Government of Chile in 2013. In the short term, the network began its operations with a limited number of countries and then go on to expand its membership each year. In 2016, the countries invited to join were: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú and Uruguay.
General purpose of the network
To maintain a South-South cooperation network in NGI among LAC spanish-speaking countries, in order to facilitate the sustainable development of technical and institutional capacities through exchange of experience and adoption of best practices. The Network will facilitate knowledge exchange through a different range of tools and mechanisms (e.g. virtual network, webinars, thematic workshops, bilateral exchanges), providing technical support on, inter alia: Different models for institutional arrangements. Sharing implementation strategies to operationalize components of the NIS. Strengthening capacities in the use of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines Domestic MRV processes, systems and arrangements Addressing data collection barriers and implementing QA/QC. Developing mock assessments and experts reviews. Initially, the network is working primarily to strengthen capacities and exchange experiences on technical issues related to the development NGI and to their NIS. In addition, integration will be encouraged with other areas of NatCom, the BUR and INDC).
Main activities developed and planned
During 2016 the activities were: Establish the formal arrangements to implement the Network. Identify main barriers and support needs by members countries. Launch the Network in participating countries. First meeting was held in Chile (August 2016). Drafting the Network’s Working Plan. Provide access to at least two members per country to virtual courses on the 2006 IPCC. Guidelines for national GHG inventory. Establish the Network general coordinator (Chile was elected). During 2017 the activities will be: Finish and implement the Network’s Working Plan including inter alia prioritized areas for technical support, webinars and any other appropriate tool/knowledge mechanism. Develop the second Network meeting which be based on data management (July, Argentina) Establish a virtual knowledge and dissemination web platform. Continue the bilateral and multilateral knowledge exchanges (ex. Paraguay workshop). Implement a regional Quality Assurance (QA) process. Search for new sources of financial and technical support (ex. CBIT).
Remaining challenges Sustainability of current arrangements
Integration of climate change indicators and MRV as an assessment tool for sectoral institutions Improve capacities on tools for estimate mitigation impacts Centralize information gathering and management trough a unique platform, to improve and optimize reporting times (MRV hub) Include the lesson learned during BUR elaboration process and ICA for the new arrangement and design for the NDC’s MRV
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